Monday, December 30, 2013

Romeo save me

Everyone wants to be swept up into romance. Everyone want this great love and a happy ending. Whether its career, a partner or just life, we all want happiness right? Not necessarily - but that's off the point...

Everyone I know has a story to tell about romance - usually involving partners - although I do have some close family and friends who I only know to be career driven. These stories are what should make us happy - it is about the journey. However, I think that all a lot of us want, is for someone to come along and save them.

Romeo save me.

Because I can't save myself.

When I started writing this post, I wasn't thinking about serious saving, I was going to write about the shallow - I have a room full of material items and I'm alive and healthy, but, but, but.... BUT, I'm going to delve deeper.

Depression. Yes. The 'D' word.

I am very observant and independent, so I see some things that my friends and family don't seem to. I can tell who is hiding something and when to be suspicious, but I also know when to be proud and hopeful.

Many, many people in my life are severely depressed. Almost every second person I know is battling some kind of demon - and half of them don't know it. These people, my friends and family are just living their lives, being ignorant. Is ignorance bliss? I can't really say myself, but for me personally, it isn't, but I want to make it perfectly clear that knowing everything - or at least too much - is certainly not bliss - and unfortunately I know a few people who believe knowledge is power.... (perhaps another post for this one.)

But I am talking about the story of depression and love. In just about every fairytale, the prince saves the princess and they live happily ever after - why not? Why can't we see that these stories have a point to them? Yes, the feeling of intimacy can be the most amazing thing in the world, but when our intimate partner isn't by our side, we go back to our (depressing) lives. We just switch. Things seem to resume like Romeo was never there. And then, well we feel angry that our happiness resolved around them. But the big problem is that we tend to forget the bad place we were in when Romeo comes back or another partner comes into our life!


Human nature is a strange phenomenon....

That is all for now.


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Suspended coffees

I'd just like to point out a charity that I actually support, because it shows that small deeds go a long way and you don't need a big organisation to make a difference - that we may or may not need.



So I speak my mind in many ways, this is my blog and everything I say is true to me, and in my words again, I'd like to say hey to - CHARITY!!

So I have recently heard so much about the - R U ok day campaign for suicidal awareness. If you haven't heard about all of the celebrities backing it, you can check out their youtube channel or hear this man here:

The thing about charities such as R U Okay Day is that:
- Day - it is only one day, soon it will all be over
- R U Okay? Are people really going to answer that question honestly? I know I didn't when my mum asked me after watching the TV ad.
- Suicide. The point of R U Okay Day is to prevent suicide, but preventing suicide doesn't make the problem go away, it isn't even an excuse to build a charity around. there are people out there who have never had the thought of killing themselves, but that doesn't mean that they're ok. These are people who could do far worse things, maybe these people are bullies, control freaks or murderers.

I think that this is just a case of the cure rather then the prevention.

I could go on for ages about R U Okay Day, but its charities in general that I don't understand. Breast cancer, cervical cancer, poverty, RSPCA, the list just goes on and on and on. I understand that people tend to donate to charities or support charities that have influenced or affected them in some way, but what I don't get is, that there is so much that is wrong with the world. Now trying to fix it has got to be doing something good, but how much? I just think that it is better to do one act of kindness at a time - any act.


I'm sorry that I don't reach your high standards.

Ah sarcasm, the way we tell how stupid someone is - where common sense is concerned. But this post isn't about sarcasm, its about standards and the likeliness of reaching these standards that makes me want to be nothing but sarcastic.

Everybody bases their opinion on a first impression, that's just how it works. We are human and I'm pretty sure animals do it too, that or they just don't care - which is what we should do more of (only in this context...)

I'll be the first to admit that I judge people. I comment on random aspects of a person's being like a reality television show, but so do monkeys guys. We are all animals... The point in telling you that I judge people is to point out that I treat others how i want to be treated. I don't judge out loud, to the persons face. Maybe that makes it worse - frankly, I don't think it does, only I know what I think and that's all that matters. I also write on here what I think about - well 'idiots,' but have I ever mentioned names?

So now that I have been a hypocrite, I will announce that I am so so sorry. Truly. That I judge others, it really just slips into my head sometimes... um duh. I am even more sorry, though, that I do not reach the standards of others who judge me. I am insecure - what are you going to do about it? It is absolutely upsetting when people notice (a quite noticeable) aspect of my being. My disability - yes, one that I cannot control. A high standard would be to assume that I can do things that I just, can't! So I completely understand why anyone places standards, but I also understand why we hate measuring up to them.

After all - this is all a huge part of nature.


2013 - what a year!

As thirteen is my lucky number, 2013 could only be a stellar year - and boy was it! 2013 was certainly the craziest, strangest, saddest, hardest, exciting, incredible year of my life - and I hope it doesn't end now!

I learnt more than ever, about myself and more importantly, everyone else. I emerged myself in other worlds. I went to university - a whole new world for me (cue Aladdin - because I did feel like I was from the wrong side of the tracks while I was there...) But the biggest things about 2013 - were the hard times.

At the beginning of the year, my Nana passed away. I really don't care what anyone else thinks about how I should feel about that - but I was traumatised. This beautiful woman passed away in February and now that it is December, I am still no where near over it - its so true. Bugger grief, there is no definition to how I feel, perhaps somewhere around anger. I'm in the anger zone because of the people who have tried to help me by downplaying the death - why the hell do we do that? I'm contradicting myself here because I did block the incident out of my head for the majority of the year, then I'd have a cry in the car every couple of weeks. I'd kick and scream into my pillow and then seem like I was over it - especially to myself. Then Midyear, my Nana's sister (my great aunt) also passed away - well what came next, was probably pretty standard, but again, that doesn't make it any less of a thought, an issue, a feeling inside my gut. The amazing thing about all of this was that I didn't break, but I did become weak.

My family means the world to me - um yes I am aware that everyone says that, but in the generation 'Y' era, I friggen' mean it! Every-time I see my extended family, I am truly fascinated... and shit scared. I have so many non-blood relatives and few blood relatives and every year around Christmas - the only thoughts in my mind are of my family and mostly how I have failed them during the year...
Don't get me wrong, my feelings of failure come from forgetting them throughout the year. (Don't lie - we all forget our 2nd cousins birthday or our great grandparents anniversary, even our niece's school play.) For some reason, Christmastime remind's me of everything I should have done. But that could be another post...

Anyway, one of the most exciting things for me this year was doing my singing lessons. Now I am certainly not an impulsive person, but I'd say that this year of independence changed that. I just did it. I started singing lessons for fun and to get my mind off things - and it worked! Another post also.

Among other things, I also had many personal endeavours, which if you know me, you may understand that I am not comfortable expressing online.

Many more ups and downs happened this year, just like any other. The only difference was that it opened my mind, heart and eyes - especially after my weeks of migraines. I get horrific migraines from stress and having constant migraines for more than two weeks proved how stressed I was. But this all came after a very interesting counselling session - which mind you, was supposed to be a kinesiology session...

If you don't know what kinesiology is: (pronounced kin-eeeees-eeee-ology)

Anyway, during this counselling session I was told a lot of things about myself and I realised what I should be doing - which actually made me over think it all and become, well neurotic... yes I will admit it. A neuro theme happening here...

Truthfully, I am just starting to get back to normal, but it has taken a very long year, because I believe I felt unreal last year (2012) when I decided on going to uni. In other words I was blocked - in more ways in one. I don't see the light just yet, but I know I'm fine.

Remember guys,

I'm open to everything.

xoxo to me and you all,


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

World Peace? Ha - try household peace first....

I have yet to meet a household of people - be that families, friends, acquaintances, etc. who have never fought before. World peace comes into this because - why are we always complaining about the world and what we should be doing to help, when we can't even get along with the people living under the same roof as us?

Its the blame game that makes us human, but all most of us say we want is some peace - hypocritical much?

My mum has recently hurt her finger and had to have her hand put into a cast. Now mum does do a lot for our household, but everyone has their own needle and thread in the pattern of how our house runs... (failed attempt...) and it is amazing how everything falls apart when one needle is lost.

Factually - if my parents really thought about it - they'd realise that they don't work as hard to keep the house clean, etc. as they think they do. Every time I come home from being away at Uni, I come back to the same little junk piles and attempts at ' Oh it's only when you're home.'


Now, I have never asked for world peace, I have always, always thought that the notion is absolutely ridiculous. I stay true to how I feel, I pride myself on making hard decisions and not changing my mind.

Anyway, when those around me start to see that we have to work together, rather than play the 'poor me, blame game' I may reconsider the notion of world peace.... LOL.


Monday, August 26, 2013

Some freaking nights!

Every time I think about my life - which is constantly.... this song comes to mind and it is so spot on.

I spend the majority of my time thinking. All I ever do is think, My mind is constantly running a million kilometres an hour, but in true kkspassion fashion (rhyme intended) I don't care!

I love my mindset and I am constantly telling myself to never let anyone change my mind. I know that I always ramble on about these things, but our minds are powerful things. We are all unique and what we don't say are probably the best parts of us.

Lately I have been so confused on where my future stands, but isn't that the point? Everyone says that we should live in the present, but I think its okay to embrace the past, present and future. No one should tell you how to live your life, but isn't that also what we constantly do to each other?

I am not afraid to seek help and lately I have done just that. I have, however, found that these sources just make things worse! I am sick of people telling me what I should be doing, how I should be doing it and then asking me why I am doing it!!

Some nights I just don't know myself! As I have said before - it's all in the journey, who cares where the destination is?


Sunday, August 25, 2013

As scientists we don't observe much.

The black and white of being a scientist is to observe our surroundings and report on it. But I can't think of a single scientist - including students, doctors, vets, that really observe. Yes they observe one thing, focus on the material they need to concentrate on, but its as if we don't have surroundings, air, the sun, the room we are in.

All I'm saying is that a lot of people interested in science are different from the rest. I can't say - as I grow older - where I stand on the scientific mind, but up until today, I feel that it is a lost profession. Most, certainly not all, scientists are so lost and unobservant, but the people that I have dealt with before, honestly don't seem like they are really living to me.

Look, I am not going to get into the right and left brain debate - because personally I don't believe it, a blog for another time perhaps... - but the real analytical thinkers, the science people, Sheldon Cooper, you guys just don't seem to interpret, well... life!


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Pet profile: Chloe!

Please note that I don't love any of my family or pets more than another. These posts are posted in no particular order.

Chloe must be about 10 - 12 years now which is a damn good age for a small terrier like this beautiful girl. Chloe is a Jack Russell Terrier x Fox Terrier and she was the first puppy I ever picked out. Dad took my brother and I to buy her when we were probably in our mid teens (I'm 21 and my brother is 18) and we each picked a puppy. My brother picked the first little girl that crawled up to him, but it took me ages to decide!

Chloe's sister, Jessie unfortunately passed away when she was a year or two old, she was run over by a car, but truthfully, she wasn't the first animals we'd lost and it never gets easier - trust me. I will try to do a profile on Jessie, but I am not sure if I have too many photos of her.

Chloe, (in the forefront of the above picture, showing her nature well...) is a very cautious, shy girl who listens and does what she is told... usually. She has had some problems with fighting (as bitches do) with our other 'current' female - Abbie (above also, though not a flattering profile of her...) Chloe and Abbie have always fought over their puppies and it has come to bloody near-death fights at times (Sometimes my fault) as females are dominant, they are protecting both their young and their masters (me) so if I get involved its much worse - which is why I have to....

On the lighter side, the girls have now been separated and live happily on separate properties. But before this happened Chloe was daddy's little girl - forget that I picked her out and that she was 'mine,' no, she rarely listened to me and was always by dad's side. (By the way Chloe is one of three 'current' dogs that I own at my dads house, I 'currently' have two dogs at my mothers house.) I understand her decision to abandon me though, I mean, I only see her randomly!  

Everyone says it, but animals are special and Chloe is just like us, a little shy sometimes, she gets overexcited, she cries and she smiles. Those eyes are a dead give-away, I mean just look ^!

I love this girl to bits and I am happy to share her with the blogging world. My little angel. I love you.


Grief never escapes you, but that's okay

So I haven't been blogging for a while because of well, grief, stress, that sort of stuff. But if there is one thing that you should know about me, it's that I can always pick myself up. I can go through meds, doctors, therapy, but in the end it is always my mind just switching and pulling myself out of my rut.

My Aunt recently passed away and every-time someone in my life passes, I think of everyone else who has left me behind, and that makes me so much sadder. Don't get me wrong, I get that people die and we have to move on, but a part of me does feel empty.

My Nana also passed away earlier this year and as it was her sister who just passed recently, I have been in absolute agony over the fact that I didn't spend enough time with them, its not quite regret, in my books, I am just straining myself trying to make everyone proud and when someone disappears from my life, I tend to infuse in the energy I had around them and my emotions sky-rocket. In a way, these emotions make me strive and although it may look like I am destroying myself, with tears, sleepless nights, anger, getting lost and overdoing things, I know that soon, my mind will switch, and pull me back up.

If you have been reading my blogs for a while now, you will probably know of one of my first encounters with grief - Adam Ruble. To recap, here is the post that I blogged about him.

I have been on pinterest for a while now and in my current state of mind, I (stupidly? I don't know...) came across the following video.

How bright am I? But you know what? Screw any therapy, meds or docs, I'll be 'right!


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Look after our own first

Poverty. The poor, the sick, the hungry, we know its out there. Africa is just one of many Underdeveloped countries with this problem and frankly I am sick of people posting quotes and pictures just like this, to embrace an opportunity to raise controversy though something that has absolutely nothing to do with the problem:

The reason that I have underlined Underdeveloped and bolded it, is because the point is that these countries are underdeveloped - meaning they haven't developed the way developed countries such as Australia, the UK and the USA have. HELLO - there isn't a whole lot we can do and what we are doing IS helping! 

Getting into the political side of this, not only do the Royals do their best to help the needy, but how much can we do to help the bloody needy?? Our own developed countries have their own problems and lets face it, not all of them will ever be fixed. We will never have world peace, so why can't we just enjoy the life we've got, do what we can to help others, but also admire what others have done without inhibiting guilt onto it.


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Inspiring people.

*Alexis Bledel
*Steve Irwin
*Frankie Valli (Castillucio)
*Bob Gaudio
*Hugh Jackman
*Di Morrisey
*Anne McCullough Rennie
*R.J Timmis
*Lauren Vandertak
*Kim Ploeg
*Katie Heaton
*Lauren Conrad
*Scott Alexander King
*Ian Somehalder
*Lucy Durack
*Selena Gomez
*Rhonda Byrne
*Toby Walker
*Nina Dobrev
*Phylis Kirkham
*Emily London
*Kristine Munday
*Emilio Esteves
*Julia Paat
*Walt Disney
*Carrie Underwood
*Leanne Parata
*Judd Nelson
*Rob Lowe
*Chris Humfreys
*Toni Collette
*Victoria Golding
*John Kirkham
*David Attenborough
*Lauren Graham
*Carolyn Golding

Among others.

If you don't know them, look them up,


Thursday, June 6, 2013

We can learn a lot from children.

When you see a child, do you see their smile? How much they seem to enjoy the tiniest little things? An autumn leaf can be an incredible discovery, the crunch of an autumn leaf - even more so. We can learn so much from children and one thing is taking joy in the simplest of things.

Day by day I see us all wander aimlessly through life. It is so so easy to get wrapped up in it and forget about the important things - yes this is said and quoted on Facebook so much that it is basically a cliché, but if you really think about it, you can make everyday special.

Children do.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Why the hell would you diet?

So I got myself started,. I know I said on my last post not to get me started on dieting, but hey this is a blog about my passion and NOT dieting is a very strong part of that. But I still stick to a diet, confused? Let me explain.

I eat - that is my diet, only I eat tremendously slow. Unbelievably so. Food is there to eat, so I believe that we should eat it. Now don't get me wrong, I still eat within reason because I just feel sick if I eat too much junk, but I don't eat organic, vegan or vegetarian either. I just eat what I want - if I can afford it.

We are what we eat. I can't stand people who say they have the same opinion as me, but eat nothing but junk. We still have to eat healthy within reason. We were put on this planet to eat what is around us, not what comes in a bag, although it is usually yummy!


Monday, June 3, 2013

Adamant = Ignorance

Whether they are an Atheist, a scientist or a Personal trainer, they are adamant about something and in my opinion this just makes them ignorant. Each of these says a lot about the person and I believe that there are very, very few exceptions.

Pet Peeve alert!

Atheists are the last people to be open minded and scientists come quite close where fiction is concerned. Personal trainers on the other hand make everyone else feel inadequate. Personally I believe each to their own and if you are adament about something, chances are you are just stubborn or ignorant.

To make this post realistic, I myself am adamant about some things (as above) but I still try, try so hard to be open minded. Go ahead and tell me your view, maybe I'll respect it and move on or maybe you will convince me that ignorance is bliss....


Why do we need to push ourselves until we burst?

I recently just joined the gym. I know, that sentence will haunt me forever, because I have always believed in getting naturally beautiful just by doing the everyday. However, I joined because I also recently moved and there is no where to get fit naturally in this area. (Actually, that's a lie, I'm sure there is, I'm just exaggerating to justify my gym joining reasons...)

But my problem with the gym is that its kind of a cult. Telling us we aren't beautiful unless we are our fittest selves. Well in a sense this is true, but it does send the wrong message. Although where I'm concerned I do prefer fit people to be with so that they can keep up with me!

On another note, some phrases that I can't stand where fitness is concerned are as follows:

Feel the burn? - Um... we don't touch fire for a reason.

Train through the pain??

Attitude is a little thing between fitness success and fitness failure.... I have a strong attitude towards fitness and I'm fit????

We don't need to push ourselves to , well isn't the goal to impress others? Doing a little exercise feels good, but ultimately we do go to gyms to make others see us better.... think about that.

Don't get me started on dieting or personal trainers,


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Don't tell me how to write!

One of the hardest things about being at uni, is that I have to write in the forms that university expects me to, well that's fine. But when it comes to a creative piece that I am being marked on, I think I do pretty well considering. My grammar and spelling in general is pretty good, and I am not going to be modest about it. I don't care how long my sentences are, or if my sentences make sense, that is a different story. I have been shunned by one of my lecturers on how I write my part in a class blog and if you can't tell already - its bloody ticked me off!

I am a writer (duh) and there is no rule on how one writes in the personal writing world. If you run, you are a runner, if you sleep you are a friggen sleeper, gees. I should be able to write how I want, I don't care about the grammar, I care about the content and it just irks me when people get all caught up on presentation and professionalism, rather than the actual work that's been put into a piece.

I'm sure it has been proven that some of the smartest people in the world can't spell! I know that some PHD students can't. Look, all I am saying is - appreciate the passion! We should focus on who an individual is and how much effort they put in, (Where their work is concerned...) rather than the nitty gritty - (I'm going to write it) - SHIT!

The main irk about the whole issue, to me, is that I never said I wouldn't go back and fix the nitty, gritty, shitty - quit focusing on that and read what was meant to be read. We don't criticise strokes on a painting before the painter has finished!

From someone who hasn't published my stories yet, I'd like to say, give me a chance to perfect them - to my needs - before you have a crack. When I'm published - then by all means, shoot!


Monday, May 13, 2013

Some pet peeves of mine...

So I can't finish a conversation without saying goodbye. It is one of my pet peeves when someone just logs off of facebook in the middle of a conversation or when someone is trying to avoid someone else and just walks off. It all comes down to etiquette, but I just think its rude not to finish a convo on good terms. I mean I don't care if your tired or upset, I think we should always be polite regardless of mood or interest in the party.

Now I don't always follow etiquette. It is actually another one of my pet peeves. I mean why should people have to apply to certain rules and have certain manners. Yes, please and thank you is good, but crossing your legs a certain way and using the right fork for a salad is just... wrong. If you know me, you know that there are some things I can't do due to a physical disability, however general (not even strict) etiquette rules prevent me from being a proper young lady. Things like using a straw in certain cups or drinks - um I have no choice in that sometimes and don't get me started on the proper way to eat, carrying food and drink, sipping, wine tasting, etc.

All I am saying is that although society could do with a few rules, it could also benefit from restricting a few rules, that when put down to it, discriminate some people.

Rant over,


Friday, May 10, 2013

Can you really say that your life is hard?

As I promised in one of my previous posts, I would like to tell you what I think about those that suffer more than the average person. If you had a look at my links in the previous post, you will understand who I mean.

But its not about the 'who.' We shouldn't point them out because we don't know how bad anyone's life really is. Even if you dug through a persons every aspect - you still wouldn't know what they were thinking, would you?

Can you really, honestly, truthfully say that your own life is hard compared to others? Don't compare yourself to others. I know that this is easier said than done, but life really isn't that hard if you don't believe it is. Instead of comparing yourself to others, look up to others and don't be jealous.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Complicated family stuffs

I, like many others, have a complicated family. When we gather, I think that I am the only one that notices the tension. It is an extremely hard thing to do, come together - especially when you can see the obvious splits, fights and distances.

Breaking up is a part of life and I don't know many family's today that don't have some members that have split. It is just much accepted these days. One side of my family is old fashioned and the other is very modern and its strange when we come together because my parents broke up, long ago. I sure am the only one who sees the subtle pang of anger between my parents when they come together. I was oddly always okay with my parents divorce. It was the remarrying for my mother that bothered me for a while because I then became a part of another family - which these days does not feel extended at all. Eventually these things feel normal. But when certain people in my family come together, I can't help but to feel awkward. It must be that I am sensitive to peoples emotions, but I am bombarded with guilt and anger when I don't have to feel this way.

I still love my family though,


Monday, April 29, 2013

The real you.

Why do we watch 'reality' television shows, when the real, reality is far more (for lack of a better word) interesting? There are people out there with dramatic diseases and health problems - mysteries of nature, who can't live a normal life. Yet, we watch people who have normal lives and exaggerate on television in usually ridicoulus ways.

Everyday, people do amazing things and beat the odds. These are the people that deserve to be seen and heard on television.

I also understand that 'normal' people want to be intersting and have their '15 minutes of fame' and thats fine. I'm just repeating the cliche phrase: 'Be yourself!' I really don't think that a lot of reality television stars act like themselves, but I do understand the adrenalin, as you might say, that comes from making your mark. I can imagine that anyone would want to be heard for one reason or another, but I'm just saying that I favour those who stay true and show off for something I'd consider worthwhile. Saying that though, by worthwhile I mean anything that represeant who you are, but also paying respect to others and considering others feelings.

Here are a few stories from news shows, so that you can see what I mean:

I will also make a post telling you what I think about these people and their lives,

I hope that each and every one of you out there appreciates just how lucky you are, remember to be yourself, but give a thought to those who struggle with that everyday,


Friday, April 26, 2013


Non generic friends
I have never been a huge fan of generic friends. By this I mean having heaps of friends that you just hang with, but don't really know. I prefer to have close friends that resemble a part of me. I love having positive people around me that I can relate to and who have a good outlook on life. Who wouldn't?

Throughout my life I haven't known too many people like this and I have just enjoyed being alone and discovering myself through my writing. To this day I still do that and will continue to do so, but now I know that there are more 'true friends' out there waiting for me, rather than generic ones. The generic ones have their own loves and lives to worry about. I care about my friends, but I hate to admit that they aren't everything to me either.

Those few 'true friends' are worth holding onto and giving them my all. Just the little things like being encouraging, really getting to know them, trying something new for/with them and showing all of your kindness and thoughts about them when it comes to their birthdays, Christmas and moments in their life that are important to them - regardless on whether or not its important to me.

I believe I have made a few true friends lately, thank you universe!


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Love your children.

Obviously I am passionate about childhood. I think they are the best years of life, forget the teens, when you're a kid you don't have any problems.

One thing that bugs me with a lot of parents is that they deprive their children. Trust me on this, this has nothing to do with money... There are plenty of things that you can do with a child to make these prime years worthwhile - spending time with them is a start.

The amount of times that I have heard parents complain about how dirty or energetic their child is, I roll my eyes. Hey don't get me wrong. I know those things can be frustrating sometimes, but I often look at kids or even animals and think, wow, you're not at this age long enough. I don't get to appreciate you enough.

Appreciate what you've got, because if you don't, no one else will!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Here are some soothing sounds that just cheered me up.

Its all okay.

I have been through a lot in my life and I can understand how hard it is - always a roller-coaster.  Sometimes we have so many twists and turns and we feel sick, other times the coaster is straight and perhaps a little boring, then other times the coaster is going at the perfect pace, but it can always change around the next bend.

Then again it could continue to be going at the perfect pace for the rest of your life!

Now I don't like to talk in cliché, technological terms, (roller coasters...) so I always imagine myself in nature. Walking along a beach, a creek, the desert - whichever I feel like witnessing at a certain point in my life helps me picture the journey, but life is forever a journey.

I have even made my own meditations to pick myself up, using nature as guidance. I have a morning, night and nervous meditation media - with myself speaking too!

To be perfectly honest I have just had a bit of a down time in my life and I am struggling to pick myself back up. If I stop and think about it, it makes it worse, so I just keep going. Those of you who know me, will understand my physical capabilities and I have my limits, as does everyone. But if I keep telling myself that its all okay - it will be.

Crying helps too,

It's all okay,


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Knowing yourself

I think that everyone at one point or another loses themselves. They don't know who they are and from personal experience it can be hard to find the way back. I know that this is true for me, because I always find my way back, but I'm sure some people don't.

Now that I am going to uni, (I'm doing zoology by the way...) I have to be someone else, someone I wouldn't normally want to be  - a science-minded logical thinker. But to be a wise person, a good writer, live, you have to do the things that scare you. And becoming someone else does that for me.

I always knew myself, I knew what I wanted, I just didn't know how to get there. I was often told that I couldn't do the greatest things I wanted to do - and those of you who know me will know why... - but I figured out that I can do whatever the b****y H**l I want!

I know myself even better now and I know that those who care about me and those that are looking down on me, would be proud.

Knowing yourself is a completely selfish act, but that's okay.


Uninspiring people.

*Miley Cyrus
*Bindi Irwin

So as I have said in previous posts, I don't like to hate on people, but there will always be those, that bug me something shocking and these two ladies are prime examples. I think that I have mentioned this on facebook, but the reason why I am not so keen on these people, I think, is because they try too hard to be someone they just aren't - such as their fathers. There is also much more about uninspiring people that just gets to me.

I also believe that they are very smart and use this to their advantage - they are in no way ignorant or stupid. These girls have common sense and perhaps its their 'I don't give a s**t' (about being in the media,) attitude that irks me as well.

My main problem with Miley is that I always believed she thought that she was better than everyone, including her co-stars, siblings and general fans.

My main problem with Bindi is that she is a bit of a 'know it all.' The thing about working with animals is that you don't have to dumb the facts about them down to get people to understand. I just think that she is always over-the-top about protecting animals. It should be about the passion - not the need to show off.

How can one be inspiring if one copies another?

Now, many people disagreed with me on this 'facebook post' so I am writing here to make myself heard and not piss people and their news feeds off. Even as these two ladies have grown, I have always been suspicious of them and I get this with a lot of people on the first impression. I hate to pick on these two people, but every time I see them in the media I have to switch off.

I can't say with absolute knowing what it is about some people that makes my blood boil, but it is something I dislike about myself. There are a lot of uninspiring people out there for me and some of them, I am quite close to, but I have learnt to shut my mouth and let them be, that and I am very feelings orientated - I wouldn't hurt anyone deliberately - except perhaps in this post because these people are famous and I will most likely never see them face to face... hopefully..

But these things have just got to be said sometimes,

A little ashamed,


Selflessness - the lonely kind

There comes times in our lives when I get lonely and all I want is some company. Surely this can't be so hard to see? (considering I text and facebook this also...) Now, I am a strong person, but I always seem to be the friend who would drop everything to do something for someone. There seems though, to be an opposite reaction for just about everyone else I know.

Everyone has their own problems and I completely understand that, but whatever happened to a little selflessness? No matter how busy I am, or how upset or angry I am, I would still go out of my way, shove my emotions aside to help someone or do something for someone else. In fact it makes me feel better, and I pride myself on that, but I just don't get why no one else can understand that?


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Just a few of my best mates!




Listen up!

Stay tuned for a new type of blog post!

As I have been at Uni, I really don't have a lot of downtime with nature to write about my passions on here, so I am adding some new posts - reviews about books, movies, television shows and books to movies. Most of these reviews will be on media I have already seen or read, or both, because I am very busy, but I do want to continue to express myself and telling you what I think about these media types as I grow - I think - will enlightening not only you, but me. I just want to see how my thought pan out on different topics, so keep reading!

p.s I will still be posting as much as I can of the usual stuff!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Having it easy.

Life is a learning curve, everyone knows that. The people we think have easy lives in our eyes, only seem to because they don't seem to care, but I think that sometimes they're the ones that care the most, they are just trying to hide how much they feel, how weak they are. Feelings aren't weaknesses and I don't care who says otherwise. I know that a lot of men seem like they are taking the easy way because they act tough and unresponsive, but it isn't just men and none of us are taking it easy. No one gets all of the right breaks. Those that seem to, work hard to get there and working hard doesn't mean hurting others to get what or where you want.

I have a friend who I believe is just like this. This person is always carefree and happy, but on a few occasions has shown nostalgia and hope - feelings this person wouldn't dare to show (for fear of caring I assume) in everyday life.

To many, life isn't serious and to almost the rest, life isn't a game, but we need a happy medium. We need to show our feelings and tell the people we admire, just that. We need to show how hard we try - even if it feels like we aren't succeeding, at least we are learning and isn't that what life's about?


Feeling down? Some hearts do!

Some hearts like mine get all the right breaks, have all the stars on their side and just get lucky some times!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Start a fight!

Many people say that it is healthy to have fights, stress a little bit and get angry - and I happen to agree. I am a very easy going person by nature and it takes a lot for me to lash out directly at someone. When someone doesn't listen to me (repetitively) it really irks me. I mean there is a difference between hearing the words (or reading the writing) and actually listening and taking in what someone is communicating. Now I wouldn't say that I am the great communicator, but come on, when you hear the same thing over and over, can't you understand?

Now, I know that the number one rule in society is that everyone only cares about themselves. I don't know one truly selfless person (Which is relieving, because if everyone were selfless it'd just be boring...) But my problem here is all about courage, standing up for yourself and maybe even causing a fight to make yourself heard - sometimes its the only way to get people to listen. We may bitch and gossip, but isn't that what the target wants? To be heard? Isn't that what we all want?


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Don't advertise it.

The thing with social media is that we are getting into the habit of giving 'too much information.' We don't need to tell the world what we eat for breakfast, (you know unless its health related etc.) but I don't understand what the pull of 'facebook' is about. Please don't get me wrong, I have been a fan of facebook since day one, but now that it is out in the media and nearly everyone I know has it, what is the real attraction.

Personally I think that it is just about advertising oneself. Showing the world who they are and lets face it - everyone loves showing off themselves - even in the smallest, visual ways.

So as this is a 'can of worms' post, I should spill what annoys me about social media.

Don't advertise it. Don't advertise that you killed a protected species of snake on your property. Don't advertise that you hate blacks. Please, please don't advertise that you stole some money. Just don't advertise anything you wouldn't tell anyone - and I mean anyone, to their face. That means, RSPCA, Barrack Obama and the police. This has got to be one of my biggest pet peeves ever!

I, myself, hate putting anyone down. This is a part of the reason why I am such a quiet soul. I try, (because sometimes I do fail...) to never speak a bad word about any one person. A lot can offend a person these days and social media is really just demeaning people. When people post these things I am talking about, they offend someone and that just causes a debate.

Another thing I hate is competition. In this case, I think that everyone should have their opinion, but when it gets to facebook, it just seems so pointless. Too many chefs spoiling the broth. So I let my pent up anger out on blogger!


Come one, come all!

I think that everyone has this problem when organising any sort of event, dinner, party, etc. When working out who to invite, with one, comes another, and another, so on.

Recently I have just matured a little more - yes I know, that statement is worth a thousand jabs of mocking, but its true. And I have finally come to realise that you have to fall prey to other peoples desires - in this case anyway...

If you leave someone out of an event, that could be the thing that everyone ever talks about from an otherwise great show. I guess that allowing people to get along is to give to everyone but yourself in these cases. The trick though, is to make everyone feel welcome and comfortable - change what you want to what others want - you will be respected for that.


I still Believe!

I just got home from watching 'Rise of the Guardians' at the cinemas. (Dreamworks animation.)

I notice that when people walk out of cinemas in general - the movie they just saw is almost instantly forgotten or perhaps viewed as just a time to relax or treat the kids, but what's next? I've always been one to discuss a movie at length after exiting the cinemas and I think over the years, the people I have gone with have gotten sick of me doing this. I don't know if its the dark room, but the movie just consumes me and my brain races with ideas, motives and inspiration! When I come out of the dark room or even when the lights come on inside the cinema, my mind keeps going as I slowly come back to reality - very slowly.

I really can't speak for anyone else, but it seems to me that others don't do that. Reality strikes them instantly when those lights come on and the credits scroll up the big screen. Suddenly a song on the radio on the way home becomes more important, or what they have to clean or cook when they get home, what the partner or kids are doing, tomorrow's birthday party, shopping list or maybe even the fact that they are going home to an empty house. But the movie slowly becomes a distant illusion. Just like after waking from a dream, if you let it, it just fades away - until you revive it again, but then it may not seem the same - Are we thinking about reality too much? Or do I think about dreams too much? I'm not saying that this happens to everyone, there may be people like me, but I know that some people do. Somtimes I can be consumed by a movie for weeks.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Live life the way you choose.

It sounds pretty straight forward, but live your life the way you want to! More often than not, I have come across people who give up on their dreams, yes, it can feel like time is passing you by and you're getting nowhere, but isn't life about the journey? If you don't make the most of the journey, you're just roaming, not living. (Unless of course you’re happy to roam if that is what you truly believe your full potential to be!)


No matter what it is you want to do in life. There is another way if there is a blockage in the road. You just have to think outside the box sometimes, get inspired and think about what made you want to do the things you do in the first place. Take criticism, but never let people run you down. You’re alive and here for a reason!


But most of all - Be grateful! Every disappointment, every wrong turn, that achievement and good skip down the right path taught you something didn't it? Even if you keep making the same mistakes, accept who you are and you'll never doubt yourself again. Try to realise those mistakes and eventually they will naturally disappear – if you are being true to yourself!


Don’t forget, that when everything is going your way, appreciate it, because you never know what is waiting around the corner – but it could be even better. Still, don’t worry too much and live life freely!


Sometimes we just have to be reminded to be the person we want to be, stopping and reflecting on the good you have done always helps, but even if you've done the bad, have no regrets! You can't - and shouldn't be able to, change the past!



Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Bring on the new year!

The first of January always gives me the chills. We never know what this year will bring and we are usually half scared and half excited.

This year I'm not going to worry about new year resolutions. I may seem like a party pooper, but I am really just happy to let this year throw what it must at me and I'm either going to duck, or catch it!