Saturday, December 28, 2013


So I speak my mind in many ways, this is my blog and everything I say is true to me, and in my words again, I'd like to say hey to - CHARITY!!

So I have recently heard so much about the - R U ok day campaign for suicidal awareness. If you haven't heard about all of the celebrities backing it, you can check out their youtube channel or hear this man here:

The thing about charities such as R U Okay Day is that:
- Day - it is only one day, soon it will all be over
- R U Okay? Are people really going to answer that question honestly? I know I didn't when my mum asked me after watching the TV ad.
- Suicide. The point of R U Okay Day is to prevent suicide, but preventing suicide doesn't make the problem go away, it isn't even an excuse to build a charity around. there are people out there who have never had the thought of killing themselves, but that doesn't mean that they're ok. These are people who could do far worse things, maybe these people are bullies, control freaks or murderers.

I think that this is just a case of the cure rather then the prevention.

I could go on for ages about R U Okay Day, but its charities in general that I don't understand. Breast cancer, cervical cancer, poverty, RSPCA, the list just goes on and on and on. I understand that people tend to donate to charities or support charities that have influenced or affected them in some way, but what I don't get is, that there is so much that is wrong with the world. Now trying to fix it has got to be doing something good, but how much? I just think that it is better to do one act of kindness at a time - any act.


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