Monday, December 30, 2013

Romeo save me

Everyone wants to be swept up into romance. Everyone want this great love and a happy ending. Whether its career, a partner or just life, we all want happiness right? Not necessarily - but that's off the point...

Everyone I know has a story to tell about romance - usually involving partners - although I do have some close family and friends who I only know to be career driven. These stories are what should make us happy - it is about the journey. However, I think that all a lot of us want, is for someone to come along and save them.

Romeo save me.

Because I can't save myself.

When I started writing this post, I wasn't thinking about serious saving, I was going to write about the shallow - I have a room full of material items and I'm alive and healthy, but, but, but.... BUT, I'm going to delve deeper.

Depression. Yes. The 'D' word.

I am very observant and independent, so I see some things that my friends and family don't seem to. I can tell who is hiding something and when to be suspicious, but I also know when to be proud and hopeful.

Many, many people in my life are severely depressed. Almost every second person I know is battling some kind of demon - and half of them don't know it. These people, my friends and family are just living their lives, being ignorant. Is ignorance bliss? I can't really say myself, but for me personally, it isn't, but I want to make it perfectly clear that knowing everything - or at least too much - is certainly not bliss - and unfortunately I know a few people who believe knowledge is power.... (perhaps another post for this one.)

But I am talking about the story of depression and love. In just about every fairytale, the prince saves the princess and they live happily ever after - why not? Why can't we see that these stories have a point to them? Yes, the feeling of intimacy can be the most amazing thing in the world, but when our intimate partner isn't by our side, we go back to our (depressing) lives. We just switch. Things seem to resume like Romeo was never there. And then, well we feel angry that our happiness resolved around them. But the big problem is that we tend to forget the bad place we were in when Romeo comes back or another partner comes into our life!


Human nature is a strange phenomenon....

That is all for now.


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