Monday, October 26, 2015

Motivation Monday: Sing!

I haven't spoken about my singing journey,

  1. Because it is very new to me, I have only been singing regularly for 3 years (which is nothing in learning to sing)
  2. Because this is one area in my life where I honestly do not think I am good enough to say that I am a singer....
  3. Because I will not sing in front of you if you ask, I will be stubborn and only sing like a screaming idiot because I am too ashamed to sing properly just in case I stuff up a little...
So I have the most amazing singing coach! My 'teach' as I call her, is lead singer of super talented, The mac project and I am always in awe of her and the band on where she posts videos of her gigs, etc. However, you wouldn't know by looking at these sites, the gorgeous personality behind my teach, who makes me feel totally comfortable (an almost impossible feat) during my weekly sessions with her. We go through ways of getting the body to respond to singing, warm ups and actual singing, eeeek!!! 

So my motivation monday is all about singing, because hey don't we all do it? Don't we all love music of some kind? Music is just in our souls. 

I actually never seriously thought about singing until I went to Uni away from my family and got a little independant, some kids go clubbing, I started singing lessons..... (true story.) I haven't studied singing at uni, just to clarify. It was my hobby, while I did full-time Zoology a two hour drive from my home town. I lived just off campus and went to my lessons at night with a company farther in town at minuetmusicstudios where I did learn a lot, but i went through a few teachers and they slowly became less and less what I needed. Then life happened and I ended up back at home. 

I surprised my mum for Christmas that year by telling her that I was learning to sing. This classically trained woman's jaw just dropped (partly because there was something I hadn't told her "I was keeping secrets now... oooooh....." and partly because I am a shy little flower who would never sing out loud...ever...)

Then my singing drifted off a little because I couldn't find the right coach, (a little like therapy...), I got pretty shy and (ironically) I mentioned to my therapist (yes I did/do therapy) that I missed singing and in a separate session that I "just love theatre, I, grew up watching musicals on video and live theatre that I just...." "Oh I like country music too..." Looking back my therapist probably just shook her head and sighed, but she told me to find a theatre company and JOIN, do goddam theatre... apparently you can... who knew??

So little ol' proactive me, found a company that night and it just so happened that auditions for their upcoming show were... next week. "Go for it!" mum said. I was somewhere between horrified and ecstatic, I was auditioning for a bloody musical, with next to no experience....

But I was loud, (I have no clue what happened there) and this happened... a-beautiful-theatrical-beginning, yes I was cast and in a main (ish) role at that.... boy have I come a log way since then. Some of my best friends are in the company and I cannot believe how lucky I am to know them..... I really want to go off on a tangent here, but that would be... uh off point.

Anyway, I somehow made a decision after the show that I really wanted to pursue musical theatre and country music, I mean I wasn't a baby ( I had written lyrics and muffled a tune to them since i could write and I believed in my songwriting too, but it did seem a bit farfetched, seeing as I was pursuing a career in animal health...) but I did always want to sing and be an actress/songwriter/director, I just assumed I couldn't... I know, doesn't sound like me right?

Whoa, this is deep s**t and I should probably go to sleep since it is 2:17 am, oops,

Sing for you, sing for your soul, even if it isn't through music, sing your song through your passion,


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