Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wealthy Wednesday: Shim Bu Kai/Shotokan Karate

Today's wealthy wednesday post (Define-your-wealth) is all about my practise in the martial art : karate. I see wealth in the way I feel while doing karate, as I not only have a wealth of knowledge and experience by undertaking karate, but I feel free everytime I practise, I feel capable and to me that is wealth.

I believe I have briefly mentioned my karate before. But I would just like to tell you all how much it means to me and maybe get you inspired to undertake a martial art or self defence.

The Dojo 
I have been training properly in Shim Bu Kai Karate since I was roughly 12 years old and I grew up mucking around with my sensei (4th dan father, yes actual parent...) my dad always taught me self respect and self defence. I always admire his constant ethics when it comes to karate.

I NEVER took to sport, I tried so hard to play and I always did my best at school in sport. I loved the concept of it, but my body couldn't/can't handle it, for reasons I still haven't discussed on my blog, so I turned to what I could do - karate. But I didn't just fall into karate either, dad did push me to the point where I would cry sometimes because my body just wouldn't cooperate. My dad didn't really understand, so he told me to toughen up and, well I did. I was always proactive, so if I set myself to do something I would (and still do.)

Side kick, strike with the side of the foot.
I am now a Shodan (1st Dan black belt) and I teach others what I learn. But it has clearly been a long journey and I never brag about my abilities in karate. That is not the traditional karate way.

Everyone.... And I mean EVERYONE is accepted  in our dojo. My dad has many injuries, including a knee reconstruction and arthritis and I have my own ailments. Other students and teachers alike have imbalances and bad limbs, but there is always self defence to be taught. I take a lot of pride in teaching children who may have autism, special needs, concentration issues and any other, perhaps hard to understand personalities - I hate describing anyone like this as we are all human, but I am trying to be clear and concise.

Anyway I might leave this post here as I am getting very passionate and I do not want to babble on. Below are some moves and bits and pieces that one learns, very quickly in karate and once you start, you realize how empowering but serene this form of exercise can be.

Always bow before starting anything with an opponent.

Middle Strike, first two knuckles forward, thumb ALWAYS on the outside. Aim where the knot on your belt is or your opponents diaphragm.

Middle block and strike,
often practised in classes
 against other students.

A self defence move in which one opponent grabs the wrists of the attacker and uses pressure points to get out of a situation. Size and strength does not matter here.

Middle kick and block,
also very common in general training.
Note the stances. Straight back,
arms by the side for balance,
level head and proper footing.

Chest grab, when an opponent grabs you from the front,
there are several ways to escape and throw your opponent off.

Don't be intimidated, I was by my own father and I persevered, if I can do it ANYONE can!
stay strong, KK

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