Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Don't tell me how to write!

One of the hardest things about being at uni, is that I have to write in the forms that university expects me to, well that's fine. But when it comes to a creative piece that I am being marked on, I think I do pretty well considering. My grammar and spelling in general is pretty good, and I am not going to be modest about it. I don't care how long my sentences are, or if my sentences make sense, that is a different story. I have been shunned by one of my lecturers on how I write my part in a class blog and if you can't tell already - its bloody ticked me off!

I am a writer (duh) and there is no rule on how one writes in the personal writing world. If you run, you are a runner, if you sleep you are a friggen sleeper, gees. I should be able to write how I want, I don't care about the grammar, I care about the content and it just irks me when people get all caught up on presentation and professionalism, rather than the actual work that's been put into a piece.

I'm sure it has been proven that some of the smartest people in the world can't spell! I know that some PHD students can't. Look, all I am saying is - appreciate the passion! We should focus on who an individual is and how much effort they put in, (Where their work is concerned...) rather than the nitty gritty - (I'm going to write it) - SHIT!

The main irk about the whole issue, to me, is that I never said I wouldn't go back and fix the nitty, gritty, shitty - quit focusing on that and read what was meant to be read. We don't criticise strokes on a painting before the painter has finished!

From someone who hasn't published my stories yet, I'd like to say, give me a chance to perfect them - to my needs - before you have a crack. When I'm published - then by all means, shoot!


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