Monday, June 3, 2013

Why do we need to push ourselves until we burst?

I recently just joined the gym. I know, that sentence will haunt me forever, because I have always believed in getting naturally beautiful just by doing the everyday. However, I joined because I also recently moved and there is no where to get fit naturally in this area. (Actually, that's a lie, I'm sure there is, I'm just exaggerating to justify my gym joining reasons...)

But my problem with the gym is that its kind of a cult. Telling us we aren't beautiful unless we are our fittest selves. Well in a sense this is true, but it does send the wrong message. Although where I'm concerned I do prefer fit people to be with so that they can keep up with me!

On another note, some phrases that I can't stand where fitness is concerned are as follows:

Feel the burn? - Um... we don't touch fire for a reason.

Train through the pain??

Attitude is a little thing between fitness success and fitness failure.... I have a strong attitude towards fitness and I'm fit????

We don't need to push ourselves to , well isn't the goal to impress others? Doing a little exercise feels good, but ultimately we do go to gyms to make others see us better.... think about that.

Don't get me started on dieting or personal trainers,


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