Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Why the hell would you diet?

So I got myself started,. I know I said on my last post not to get me started on dieting, but hey this is a blog about my passion and NOT dieting is a very strong part of that. But I still stick to a diet, confused? Let me explain.

I eat - that is my diet, only I eat tremendously slow. Unbelievably so. Food is there to eat, so I believe that we should eat it. Now don't get me wrong, I still eat within reason because I just feel sick if I eat too much junk, but I don't eat organic, vegan or vegetarian either. I just eat what I want - if I can afford it.

We are what we eat. I can't stand people who say they have the same opinion as me, but eat nothing but junk. We still have to eat healthy within reason. We were put on this planet to eat what is around us, not what comes in a bag, although it is usually yummy!


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