Monday, April 29, 2013

The real you.

Why do we watch 'reality' television shows, when the real, reality is far more (for lack of a better word) interesting? There are people out there with dramatic diseases and health problems - mysteries of nature, who can't live a normal life. Yet, we watch people who have normal lives and exaggerate on television in usually ridicoulus ways.

Everyday, people do amazing things and beat the odds. These are the people that deserve to be seen and heard on television.

I also understand that 'normal' people want to be intersting and have their '15 minutes of fame' and thats fine. I'm just repeating the cliche phrase: 'Be yourself!' I really don't think that a lot of reality television stars act like themselves, but I do understand the adrenalin, as you might say, that comes from making your mark. I can imagine that anyone would want to be heard for one reason or another, but I'm just saying that I favour those who stay true and show off for something I'd consider worthwhile. Saying that though, by worthwhile I mean anything that represeant who you are, but also paying respect to others and considering others feelings.

Here are a few stories from news shows, so that you can see what I mean:

I will also make a post telling you what I think about these people and their lives,

I hope that each and every one of you out there appreciates just how lucky you are, remember to be yourself, but give a thought to those who struggle with that everyday,


1 comment:

David said...

That sleep syndrome story is fascinating. I have a friend who suffers from chronic fatigue and for a very similar reason to this girl ended up repeating year 11. It's quite sad really, he's a lovely person and would probably have grown up to be an extremely successful mechanic/engineer if he had the ability to work hard.

I also find it bizarre that people find these reality programs so fascinating. Big brother is a perfect example. A bunch of ordinary people in a house observed.. why is this interesting?