Thursday, April 25, 2013

Love your children.

Obviously I am passionate about childhood. I think they are the best years of life, forget the teens, when you're a kid you don't have any problems.

One thing that bugs me with a lot of parents is that they deprive their children. Trust me on this, this has nothing to do with money... There are plenty of things that you can do with a child to make these prime years worthwhile - spending time with them is a start.

The amount of times that I have heard parents complain about how dirty or energetic their child is, I roll my eyes. Hey don't get me wrong. I know those things can be frustrating sometimes, but I often look at kids or even animals and think, wow, you're not at this age long enough. I don't get to appreciate you enough.

Appreciate what you've got, because if you don't, no one else will!


1 comment:

David said...

What irritates me a whole lot is the idea that people have children and then decide to let a Television (or "Box") raise them. It's important to spend all the time in the world with your kids.. to help them develop into wonderful people. Abandoning them at a daycare or in front of the television is bad parenting! and it's sad how acceptable and common it is.