Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A beautiful theatrical beginning...

Princess 'Whatshername?' ....

May I introduce, uh 'Whatshername!

Cinderella (in rags)
I have just completed my first Youth production with the BATS theatre company and I had an absolute blast. I made so many amazing friends and my confidence sky-rocketed, it was a huge turn and beginning for me and I have never experienced anything so special.
Cinderella (before the Eastern ball)

I cannot compare the experience of being behind the scenes of a brilliant musical - to anything really. My FIRST performance (eeek!) was in the production of 'Princesswhatshername!' and I got to work with so many exceptionally talented youth and adults!

Cinderella and Prince Swavay

I felt so inspired by the team and loved every scene and all of the work that went into it. The passion that everyone has, while having fun at the same time is something from a dream :) !

I played Cinderella (Yes I know I look like Belle, but this isn't Disney...) A girl who wanted to party all night long and win the heart of her Prince Swavay, but was really just more interested in the party...

And so the story goes that a princess awakes from a kiss from her true love.... The characters that help her and cross her path along the way were original, imaginative and fantastic actors/actresses. I can't fault a single one!

Hansel and Gretel
Hansel and Gretel and Lollipops* all very talented actors with multiple roles and wonderful expression and entertainment skills! Hansel awed the crowd when he grew more 'huggable' in a matter of scenes and Gretel's eye rolls of brotherly dismay were classical! The duet sung by the two was hilarious, harmonised and played beautifully with the theme of the classic candy house owned by the forest witch.

Candy-filled Hansel
Gretel, Hansel and the sleeping princess

The forest witch* gave an evil touch with a spark of comedy, a talented actress with a double role also and appearing in multiple scenes.

Rumplestiltsken was an all-round favourite of the audience with plenty of quirk and style. A magnificent actor with 100% effort into every show and second of it. Rumple was a very talented actor with a difficult rap sequence, multiple personality and all-round' wit. His charm affected everyone and his presence on stage was always magical.


'Princesswhatshername' sung flawlessly in her solo and blew the audience away. Her distracted heart and optimistic spirit shone throughout the entire show. Although dressed in rags, the princess didn't give up on finding her prince and asserting herself along the way, while in the meantime, her prince was also looking for her...

The Princess played her part very well, with feeling and hope and wonder in her eyes! Every movement this actress made was with grace and she was the perfect actress for this role. She owned the stage when she had to and gladly stood back when others were on stage, always wide-eyed! Beautiful.

Princess 'Whatshername' and Rumplestiltsken
Rumplestilsken and Prince Reveille
Prince Reveille (in flight)

Prince Reveille encountered many characters and fought for his princess along the way, never giving up by prancing, twirling, flying, hiding, dancing and running! This actor was fantastic and always knew exactly what he was doing, charming and full of smiles, the prince was always amusing and emotional.

The three bears, Father bear, mama bear* and baby bear* all played by talented, quietly confident two-part actors. Father bear had 'huggable' fur and stood tall with his adorable waistcoat and grumpy demeanour. A great actor with a quiet, but influential presence. Mama Bear* was the traditional mother, dressed in an apron and as an actress, was 'Too Sweet to be Sour....' and baby bear was the youngest of the cast and quickly warmed to everyone, embracing her role with a "roar" and doing all of the right things, knowing her cues and embracing the limelight. "She was a great little actress." - my grandad who came to the show stated.

Father bear
The other characters in the show included the seven dwarfs, (Rowdy, Flighty, Hippie, Whiny, Giddy, Nosey and Guilty) * All true to their characters and a class of comedy for all!

Rowdy was just that, a character with a boisterous attitude and troublemaking streak to stir the pot. An actor playing multiple roles, Rowdy embraced his dwarf character with excellent timing and perseverance.

Flighty was a distracted little dwarf with her mind on everything but what was actually happening before her. This little actress played her role fabulously and was completely lovable. She was cast perfectly for her role.

Flighty with the princess
Hippie was the easygoing, peacemaking dwarf with top chill factor. Played by a beautiful little actress with quite a few lines, acting stunningly and projecting her voice exceptionally well.

Whiny wanted everything her way and complained if it wasn't right. A gorgeous actress with attitude and resiliance. This girl definitely knew how to act and project. Her facial expressions and mannerisms were spot on entertainment.
Prince Reveille and the Dwarves

Giddy was a loveable little dwarf full of excitement and hugs! played by a gifted little actor with utter glee, great projection and always smiling, on and off stage.

Nosey was played by a sweet girl, with a curiosity and quietness about her. She played her part very well on stage, always watching, taking everything in and snooping around the other characters.

Guilty was brilliant in his mannerisms and came a long way, this being his first show as an actor. His character made us all want to hug him and tell him it was all okay! He projected well and was always looking up, so the lighting could catch his face.

Goldilocks and the Princess
Goldilocks was a a wonderful actress, a rising star with plenty of personality and flair, she always kept her cool and never lost her sly grin. Goldlocks was perhaps the most helpful of characters to the princess and as an actress, she was bouncy and excitable, just how goldilocks should be! She was very talented in her country-style getup, always in on the action and secure in her role!

Goldilocks and Cinderella
I had my beautiful Fairy Godmother and Step-sisters played by four gorgeous (who said ugly??), (though rushed, but always so poised) actresses fighting over Prince Revielle. Cinderella of course had back up by her stepsisters to help the princess on her way, because she was kind of useless at that and very vain...

Cinderella was only concerned about losing her shoe and wandering around in a ball gown. Blaming everything on and disrespecting fairy Godmother, who in her grace, just put up with her...

Cinderella of the East, Fairy Godmother

Prince Swavay of the East
Fairy Godmother was kind, helpful and the glimmer of hope for everyone, a talented actress, her voice also shone through to the audience. Here elegance showed and her English accent was impeccable. A proper fairy, putting up with Cinderella.

Queen of the West (In disguise)
Then came Snow White* Queen of the West and Rapunzel - played by two outstanding, talented actresses,

Snow White's Southern American accent was flawless and her singing amazing with parts in a duet among other songs.

Rapunzel could be heard high from her tower, both ladies projecting wonderfully!

Rapunzel was mad at her prince Adonis for taking so long to rescue her from her tower and she was slightly deaf from being locked in the tower by the forest witch.*
Prince Adonis


While the princess continued to find answers by heading to the Northern Kingdom, a fight began between the lovable princes and princesses...

This was a hilarious fight with balloon swords, shields, slippers and other materials flying everywhere during a chorus of a bobby, country song. Everyone had so much fun in this scene and Prince Reveille was thrown around a lot. All of the Princes looked handsome and worthy of their princesses even though there was obvious confusion on who belonged to who...

Prince Hercules

The princes: Hercules, Adonis, Swavay and Reveille

Prince Hercules and Prince Reveille
Proposals were made and rescues attempted, but for some reason, these didn't follow through....
Prince Swavay and Prince Reveille

The fight is on! Who's prince are you anyway?
As we ran off after the princes, princess 'Whatshername' found herself at the Northern castle with the riddled Queen of the North and her baby daughter. She was trying to guess the name of the man who cursed her and her child so she could keep her. A lovely actress, showing stress and worry for her child and kingdom. A very talented, almost solo actress. 

Then the princess had a sudden flashback to when she was a baby.

The Princess as a baby, her mother and father, the King and Queen of the South and the Good fairies of the South
 Memories came flooding back of an evil fairy. The one who had cursed her to death. But the three Southern fairies changed the curse so that she would instead fall into a deep sleep until her true loves kiss.

 The Evil fairy was a brilliant actor with a loud, frightening presence and obvious anger at not being invited to the naming ceremony. So he cast a curse of death by a spindle on a spinning wheel on the princess. His acting ability was beyond fantastic, he took over the stage and sung smugly with a brilliant witchy cackle to finish!

The three fairies of the South had beautiful voices and harmony. All three were very talented and graceful in the spotlight. They granted their wishes to the princess. The princess had flashbacks of the characters she had met along her way and a haunting song struck the audience to convey this. It was a brilliant musical sequence by all.

There was a large monologue given by the King of the South and every word was spot on, he did a fantastic job showing concern for his daughter, yet staying stern for the kingdom. The King and the Queen of the South were both two fantastic actors as caring, concerned parents.

When these two finally found each other, this happened: 

The King and Queen of the South both played fantastic roles as royalty and distraught parents, rejoicing at the return of their princess and their new son in law!

Southern Fairy sister 1
Southern Fairy sister 2

Again, my experience with this show was exceptional and I really enjoyed every moment of it. I made some great friends and everyone was really lovely and encouraging.

The backstage crew were amazing and the BATS staff too, Thank you also to the Director and everyone who was there for rehearsals, etc.

I wish I could thank you all personally and to everyone in the audience also.

Me and my beautiful niece after a show

Some of the beautiful friends I made and I hope we can stay friends for years to come!

I plan to write another post on my new friends and bits and pieces, so stay tuned!


(Disclaimer below)

* Names and photos will not be printed due to unauthorised permission or absence of permission and general privacy. The photo's displayed have been from Mark Symonds photography(c) and have been authorised by cast and parents of those under 18 years of age.

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