Sunday, October 5, 2014

The five to one rule.

If you haven't heard of the five to one rule then there are a few ways of looking at it. I assume it can have to do with other things, but in this case I am talking about being positive. The five to one rule means that with every negative thought, five positive thoughts must follow to cancel out the negative thought.

Now I don't tend to follow rules in a scientific manner. To be honest, I hate science... (if you didn't know.) but this sort of ratio does tend to work. The five to one rule "in scientific terms" would just be a theory, and for me, a theory that works.

I try to implement it when I'm at my worst and abundant with negative thought - because hey, I'm human and its hard not to do this...

Things happen in life that cause massive highs and lows and using the five to one rule just helps a little to try to stay on that middle ground and better yourself.

Think yeah ive had a bad day, but im alive, healthy, got so much to live for,  a roof over my head, food and that has cancelled out one negative thought!

We have to think simple in terms of our mental health.  I think if we strain too hard, overthink, etc. We become someone we're not. And thats not the life we have worked so hard for. 

Stay strong,


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