Monday, October 27, 2014

What I love about:


These beautiful, but mysterious creatures are so agile and gentle, its amazing. On first impressions it may not seem this way, but getting to know my pythons, they really are so smart, curious and well, cuddly!
Phylis the Jungle python

I loved the way my pythons would wrap around my hands and climb up my arms and just watch me. Contrary to popular belief, snakes are not slimy or creepy and I don't think that it's just me who thinks so. The skin of pythons (at least I know) is very smooth and shiny. they are very gentle once used to your skin and scent and their grip is so light, you barely notice they are there.

It may sound ridiculous, but I have always wanted a python because they are easy to handle. If you know me well, you know that my fine and gross motor skills aren't top notch, so something delicate or skittish is hard for me to handle - such as a bird or a lizard (but certainly not impossible!) and I really wanted a python because of their lack of limbs and special movement because I didn't want to grip something so small and hurt it, but the strong muscles in these gorgeous creatures is amazing!

Also their faces, I love looking into the personality of a snake, when I see one at stores, you can look into their eyes and see if they are aggressive or placid, most of the pythons are so placid and curious and the aggressive one are just so interesting too.

I adore snakes and I hope to one day own quite a few and treat them, getting to know them better.

fingers crossed,


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