Tuesday, October 21, 2014

looking through rose coloured... stones?

I thought it was funny.... but I am actually talking about looking at life through rose coloured lenses - positivity.

Life can be so so hard and at times, so difficult to see the good, but I must admit, that no matter how bad things have seemed, I have always come out of it. A change in routine, a look from a different perspective or a change in attitude can really have an outstanding positive effect on your life, it always has on mine and I am forever changing because of it.

So I might go back to an old routine or dig up some old photos, but I find that just tweaking the current roller coaster I am on, even slightly, really helps me to come out of that sad state. A stupid state, that just brings others down and frankly, myself down. It doesn't help anyone, complaining, 'poor me syndrome' and hurting others to make myself feel better.

We all have to learn what makes us happy without relying on others, it is only you who can change your perspective and look through rose coloured glasses,


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