Friday, October 10, 2014

My past, my future: The rebel in me

I am the person I am today because of the things I have been through. On the outside I guess it looks like I had a normal childhood, but what is normal?

The rebel in me.

Yes, I spent a lot of weekends and school holidays of my life in the Rebels Motorcycle Clubhouses around Melbourne. This was between the ages of about 8 to 17 - so a pretty big chunk of motorbikes, rock music and bikie wives. Yes my life was quite a similar version to Bikie Wars - Brothers in Arms minus the massacre....

I grew up with swearing, fighting before my eyes, alcohol, drugs, pool tables and smoke, but I never took part in any of it. I knew the roughest, gruffest men and always knew they were big softies. Now I don't wan't to dob my parents in or anything, because I had a fantastic childhood. I learnt a lot from the clubhouses though. I was always observant and quiet and this was where I had my first crush.

I won't put his name, but if he ever reads this, he'll know its him. I only ever saw him with the club or at his parents house, he came over to our house a few times and I almost died of embarrassment, every time. Especially once when I was covered in mud after playing in the pond on our property and he saw me trying to creep into the house to get clean.

Another time I walked straight into a hanging flower pot that'd been there since I was born, which happened to be right in front of him.

I also crashed into a tree on my brothers Go Kart in view of my crush.

But enough about him, I am certain that I bored everyone to death, because he was all I ever talked about and I'm pretty sure he knew it...

Other things about the rebel clubhouse, was that I learnt how to sleep through anything! Rock music, bitch fights, live bands. I could zonk out no problem. Most of the clubs had bedrooms upstairs that I could creep into when I was bored to death.

The boredom, oh the boredom. I became extremely creative because all there was to do, was eat chips, drink soft drink and watch adults play pool in dark rooms. So I would draw or write.

My other family, my dads girlfriend, her daughter and her son were my second family. I grew up with these two women and they taught me so much, especially to do with resilience, strength and patience...

I'm going to leave this post here because To be very honest, I am getting quite emotional,

Stay strong and love your childhood,


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