Thursday, October 2, 2014

Friends young and old.

We are all people right? I know that sometimes this doesn't seem so, but lets pretend we are.

It's okay to have friends of all ages. Why not?
I don't think I have ever been in a huge group of friends my own age. Yes I have a few, but I love the variety in generations and I have huge respect for every living being.

I have several adult friends and I love kids, so why do they have to be a passing ship?

Age means squat!
I love writing to my younger friends because they treasure hand written notes and to them, it is something special.

Adults act like children, sometimes they say the most immature things, I think they are worse at times, but I have so many friends whom are much older than me and are just so inspiring and entertaining.

Then there are great friends my age and slightly younger - we all have our moments and I just love that we can know each other without being petty and just be open and welcoming. 

To all my friends,  old and new, young and old - you each have your positive impact on me. Love you :)


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