Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Daily comfort

So lately I have been having a hard time, just finding the right groove. I go through about 50 emotions a day and sometimes it helps to just stop and consider this.

When I am alone, I am at my best. When I am around others, I tend to adapt to their environment and talk how they talk and do what they do - I know this is bad, but I am starting to come out of it.

So the last few weeks have been a whirlwind and I have had 20 thoughts at once rushing through my brain - I actually am at my best here because I can keep track, but as soon as someone else invades my thoughts, I lose that peace and hope.

So I have to find comfort to reassure myself, here are some of the things I do to refresh:

  • Cuddle any animal (this always, always helps)
  • Hug a person (sometimes this helps, sometimes it makes it worse...)
  • Drink a hot Milo, Chai or in Summer, juice
  • Go for a run
  • Read an inspirational Blog
  • Read a book
  • Have a bath or shower (sometimes I just get bored though...)
  • Go through photos
  • Handwrite letters
  • Photograph
  • Draw
  • Make jewellery 
  • Tire myself out so I can have a good nights sleep!


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