Monday, October 27, 2014

A simple hug

Hug a doggie
A hug is worth a thousand words. I've been reading that hugs release happy hormones,  so a hug can only be a good thing. 

I haven't talked much about romantic love on this blog, but I would like to I guess in another post, but it is personal.

For me, a hug can mean so much by the length, grip and how you feel about the person.

A hug after a fight is usually reassuring, but as I am not discussing my romantic life here, hugs after a fight for me usually mean something like 'Get over it...' That's a 'deal with it,' 'I was right' kind of hug... - where family or acquaintances are concerned.

I am not going to go into all of the types of hugs I have experienced, because there are a lot, but the simple hug, that's one to treasure.

People that greet you with a hug, are special, and people that greet you with a real squeeze of a hug, priceless.

A simple hug can make my day,

hugs to you all,


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