Sunday, November 9, 2014

Seeing simply: bouncing back

I always say that I bounce back eventually after a having had a hard time - why not? There is too much life, to not be able to live it! And I know you are waiting for a 'but....' BUT there is no exception! I am beginning to feel better after a long, rough haul! What else is nature, music, love and smiles for? Have a couple of those in perspective and I always know that everything is going to be okay!

Sometimes it takes seeing the world in simplicity, just like a child would, to appreciate how amazing life is. NO life is not that bad, as much as we try to convince each other that it is, this is just so wrong and frankly, stupid!

It sometimes just takes a little time, or a lot, who cares? To me, time really doesn't exist, it is a made up, human concept. We do the things we do to ultimately achieve happiness, so I say to myself as much as I preach: take on one of the million daily quotes on social media and  stick to it, rather than flicking through and saving for later...



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