Sunday, November 23, 2014


Sometimes I am so in the present and future, that I forget how I got here. I hate the aftermath of this feeling because our past reveals so much in us and every moment of the past, present and future are important in who we are.

I am prone to forgetting (or more-so, blocking out) the courses I have done, the work experience I have had, the awards I have won, the praise I have gotten, the laughter I have shared, the people and animals i have worked with! My yesterdays were AMAZING! I have had so many fantastic times in my life, that i feel I need to remember them better and allow for my present and future to be what may! As I have accomplished so much, shouldn't I be able to keep that success up?

I know that many people have a similar fear, and it really helps to stop and think, not over-evaluate, but remind yourself, lightly and perhaps to yourself of your accomplishments, alone time in positive remembrance can be a wonderful thing!

Treasure your yesterdays and look forward to your tomorrows,



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