Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Don't forget what you've done!

I was just watching the movie 'Monte Carlo' starring Selena Gomez. If you haven't heard of the movie, don't feel bad, it is very underrated. The main thing I noticed about Selena is how much she has changed. Yes change happens to everyone, but as Selena is the same age as me and I always thought that I could relate myself to her persona, but seeing the person she is now in 2014 after doing this movie in 2011, yes, such a short time and it really gets me thinking. Selena's new single, the heart wants what it wants has had lots of controversy around it, but whether this it true or not isn't really the point.

We honestly don't appreciate that we, ourselves have gotten what we always needed and wanted. We don't give ourselves enough credit for the ups in our lives.
How did I get here?

Take my life as an example. I claim that I am grateful for my experiences, but I don't truly sit and think about it every minute of everyday, often I go and think something negative straight away. Trust me! do try, but it is still common, life to be... well hypocritical!

I have to go through rough times and some boredom, a little stress and some guilt before I re-begin to appreciate what I have actually accomplished in my life!

Quotes, pictures and advice don't bring me back, my mind does all of the work and I should know my pattern by now because I have been down at the bottom of the life roller-coaster so much, that when I finally start going up, I realise I am pushing myself and letting my willpower save me and take me to that place where I feel on top of the world.

Ah, this will do nicely!
I really wish I could preach this to so many people out there. It is only you who can help yourself up and you can't forget what you have done to get where you are. 'Are' could be anywhere, but at least you 'are' somewhere!

Keep picking yourself up,


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