Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Honesty is a fickle thing. It can get you in trouble or it can reveal things that make the other party rethink and listen. The latter is rare, but its the best case scenario, so for me - its honesty all the way!

Whilst trying not to sound like a hypocrite, I used to lie my ass off for just about everything. I lied because I didn't want to hurt people's feelings and sometimes for boredom.... I had to lie over and over and that's when I found it to exhausting = honesty.

It is pretty much only every third person who actually understands why I am being so honest. I hate hurting anyone's feelings, so often I won't say anything and I sit there mulling over someone else's problems..... But being honest sort of lets that gut feeling free!

Now sometimes I think it is better to hold back and keep foot out of mouth, actually most times.... because it can be seen as arrogant, an assumption or just hurtful and I am certainly not like that, at least I hope I'm not...

It has taken me a long time to respect honesty, but now I think I have a firm grip on it, as long as it is the truth,


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