Monday, August 26, 2013

Some freaking nights!

Every time I think about my life - which is constantly.... this song comes to mind and it is so spot on.

I spend the majority of my time thinking. All I ever do is think, My mind is constantly running a million kilometres an hour, but in true kkspassion fashion (rhyme intended) I don't care!

I love my mindset and I am constantly telling myself to never let anyone change my mind. I know that I always ramble on about these things, but our minds are powerful things. We are all unique and what we don't say are probably the best parts of us.

Lately I have been so confused on where my future stands, but isn't that the point? Everyone says that we should live in the present, but I think its okay to embrace the past, present and future. No one should tell you how to live your life, but isn't that also what we constantly do to each other?

I am not afraid to seek help and lately I have done just that. I have, however, found that these sources just make things worse! I am sick of people telling me what I should be doing, how I should be doing it and then asking me why I am doing it!!

Some nights I just don't know myself! As I have said before - it's all in the journey, who cares where the destination is?


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