Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Don't advertise it.

The thing with social media is that we are getting into the habit of giving 'too much information.' We don't need to tell the world what we eat for breakfast, (you know unless its health related etc.) but I don't understand what the pull of 'facebook' is about. Please don't get me wrong, I have been a fan of facebook since day one, but now that it is out in the media and nearly everyone I know has it, what is the real attraction.

Personally I think that it is just about advertising oneself. Showing the world who they are and lets face it - everyone loves showing off themselves - even in the smallest, visual ways.

So as this is a 'can of worms' post, I should spill what annoys me about social media.

Don't advertise it. Don't advertise that you killed a protected species of snake on your property. Don't advertise that you hate blacks. Please, please don't advertise that you stole some money. Just don't advertise anything you wouldn't tell anyone - and I mean anyone, to their face. That means, RSPCA, Barrack Obama and the police. This has got to be one of my biggest pet peeves ever!

I, myself, hate putting anyone down. This is a part of the reason why I am such a quiet soul. I try, (because sometimes I do fail...) to never speak a bad word about any one person. A lot can offend a person these days and social media is really just demeaning people. When people post these things I am talking about, they offend someone and that just causes a debate.

Another thing I hate is competition. In this case, I think that everyone should have their opinion, but when it gets to facebook, it just seems so pointless. Too many chefs spoiling the broth. So I let my pent up anger out on blogger!


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