Thursday, July 3, 2014

My spirituality

So I have never really spoken a lot about my spirituality - to anyone, but I feel that it is a huge part of me and I often do things and run into people who tell me that I am a 'spiritual being.' Now I know that there are so many of you out there who are completely against spirituality and lean towards atheism or religion. But spirituality doesn't have to invade on your scientific or religious beliefs - in fact a lot of spirituality can make up religion and is harmless in the name of atheism.

Anyway, I'm not here to discuss facts, but to tell you about my connection to spirituality (and yes, typing spirituality over and over is annoying!) I like to stay pretty open minded to religion and spirit, but I think that atheism, etc. is just being closed minded. For instance, you don't have to believe in a 'higher power' to have faith right? We have faith in ourselves, our families, our life, right?

So having established that I am not atheist, not exactly religious, but spiritual, what exactly am I? Well, I don't know...
For a while I tried to be a Buddhist, but there was something restrictive about it. so I am 'undecided' I suppose - technically.

Basically I take anything as it comes, I'll listen to peoples views and decide for myself whether or not to believe. I was told recently that beliefs are restrictive. The person who told me this has a point, but its pretty loud...

So a belief can be anything, as long as you are attached to it emotionally - basically the person I spoke to said that this is bad because you are not open minded and you will never learn anything about anyone or anything because you believe.

For example: Good vs. Evil. Most of us just flat out believe in good over evil. What defines each side isn't important, but the belief in good makes us stick to it, but what happens if circumstances changes, such as war. Would defending yourself, by killing someone be evil?

Now that could be the worst example ever, but it did get me thinking about my martial arts training.(I am a black tag in Karate) I undertook training because I wanted to learn self defence and stay true to the traditions of the art. I am not a black belt because I do not want to teach people who oppose the fact that now you know how to fight, you will look for danger. It honestly gets me very, very angry. I feel the heat rise in my gut. - This never happens if you know me!

So I am a very alert person. This sometimes shows me things that I would rather ignore.... a post for another time maybe, but I notice a lot in people. I get suspicious easily and I know a good, no exceptional person straight off the bat - which is rare, they aren't common... I guess that you could say that I am very good at reading people and I see this as spiritual because I am awake in that sense and that comes into clairvoyance, psychic etc. which I'd rather not chat about...

I could go on forever, but I might put some other little pieces in another post, eg, crystals, ghosts, afterlife, etc.

Do try and stay tuned to my YouTube channel though, because I have a lot planned! Also feel free to request any videos you would like me to post. I want to focus on life, raw parts and all. there is no taboo where I am concerned, but there is stupidity, so tread carefully.


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