Tuesday, July 1, 2014

animals, animals, animals!

Everyone who knows me, know that animals are my passion, yet I don't talk about them too much on here.... 

Growing up I used to play with spiders and help my dad feed his exotic parrots and other birds on our 2 acre farm. I would waddle around in my gumboots and just be fascinated by the world around me, it was very rare that you would find me inside even in the rain!
 The zoo was always my favourite place to go, closely followed by the aquarium, farms, the country and anywhere outdoors. I was never a thrill seeker, but I was always looking for animals, always outdoors.

 My dad has always been a great role model when it came to my passion for animals. My dad grew up loving this country as much as me, only he grew up in a time where he regularly spotted native wildlife everywhere he went, animals were so abundant, that its hard to believe, magpies and crows are probably the most common native animals we'll see these days. Dad also used to take me before dawn in the mornings when I was under 10 years old and drive the hour drive to a country region where the Toorongo river ran. Here we used to lye on the bank of the river and wait. This is one of the reasons why the platypus is my favourite animal. The awe that I treasure from these trips, was only the beginning of my enormous passion for Australia, Australian wildlife, Animal and the land, all of its elements and plants.

 I was always fascinated by the aquariums and river ecosystems, etc. I visited, because as I grew older I became scared of the ocean, I loved inland rivers and creeks, but to me the ocean become an amazing, but daunting, mythical place where I was happy to let secrets stay buried. I feel the same about outer space.

 Although my passion is Australian wildlife and I hope to end up working at Healesville Sanctuary Victoria one day, I have also worked at Melbourne Zoo, I volunteer at Werribee Open Range Zoo and Currumbin Sanctuary in Queensland. I love all animals great and small and I adore Australian animals, especially the platypus and Australian reptiles....
 I love domestic animals and livestock too, my dogs are my life, the time I spend with them are often the most precious moments I can remember and still are to this day, watching them play is utter bliss for me and playing with them, cuddling them and watching them in their day to day lives is just what life is about for me!
 I love cattle, horses, sheep and goats among other livestock, although I haven't had a chance to spend much time with them, I hope to one day.
Animals, animals, animals  - they'll always be my love and my passion, i am just excited to see where else they'll take me!

KK xoxo

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