Friday, April 26, 2013


Non generic friends
I have never been a huge fan of generic friends. By this I mean having heaps of friends that you just hang with, but don't really know. I prefer to have close friends that resemble a part of me. I love having positive people around me that I can relate to and who have a good outlook on life. Who wouldn't?

Throughout my life I haven't known too many people like this and I have just enjoyed being alone and discovering myself through my writing. To this day I still do that and will continue to do so, but now I know that there are more 'true friends' out there waiting for me, rather than generic ones. The generic ones have their own loves and lives to worry about. I care about my friends, but I hate to admit that they aren't everything to me either.

Those few 'true friends' are worth holding onto and giving them my all. Just the little things like being encouraging, really getting to know them, trying something new for/with them and showing all of your kindness and thoughts about them when it comes to their birthdays, Christmas and moments in their life that are important to them - regardless on whether or not its important to me.

I believe I have made a few true friends lately, thank you universe!



David said...

This is lovely. I have a lot of what you call "generic friends" I would probably refer to them as acquaintances but, yes. Many. I am also a very affectionate person. I love to LOVE people, get right in there and appreciate them for everything that they are. I want to share myself completely with someone and connect on a deeper level than just a name and number.

Sometimes I feel that there isn't much room for a person like myself. The world is so obsessed with fleeting feelings and flexibility they forget about commitment and loyalty. People are afraid of deep emotions, genuinely caring about someone is a bad thing!

What's wrong with people! Why do we deny ourselves deep and meaningful relationships? I have a couple of very strong friendships that I adore. I love these people more than anyone in the world... and they love me too! One has recently got engaged to a lovely woman that is just perfect for him. I couldn't be happier and share his excitement fully.. sure we've had our bad times. Strong relationships are tough! But I wouldn't this for anything.

The problem is, these guys.. I've known them my entire life. Why is it so hard to connect to people now that I am an adult?

Anyways, sorry for gushing there. Hahaha. Just some thoughts of my own.

kkspassion said...

You should have made that a post on your blog!