Sunday, December 18, 2016

Do I impress you?

I think I have said before, 'I am only me when I'm alone...' Well I thought about that, and it can be a strange concept. I always am who I am. Yes, I often change to fit the environment and try to hide things that - for lack of a better word - I am 'embarrassed' by. I obviously don't speak every thought out aloud and I behave differently around different people, but to get to know my true self I often think about my little bubble. As the saying goes:

Do I impress you?
If the world was blind, how many people would you impress?

Would you impress yourself?

I am talking about how one really is, who one wants and believes themselves to be.

I have my up and down days - just like everyone else. I feel very insecure some days and others I feel more confident, (usually it is somewhere in between...) but I think that it is just good to know yourself in a way that no one else would - don't compare yourself to others and when that mindset does start to blind you, I, myself, try to remember why I do the things I do and how much, deep down, I really do care what others think.

So 'do I impress you?' Is actually a rhetorical question. I just want to impress myself.

Let that sink in,


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