Tuesday, December 27, 2016

December Reflections - days 16 to 20

Day 16 - 'A secret' - It wouldn't be a secret if I told you ...

Day 17 - 'Five Years Ago'  - I had was done with high school, starting uni, the property I grew up on was selling (pictured) and I was moving away for uni.

Day 18 - 'Reflection' - My crystal box. I love the way crystals reflect yourself, what you need and the light!

Day 19 - 'Something I love' - musical theatre! Whether performing or watching, I just adore the thrill, the work that goes into a show, the people, the props, the music, the story... I love it all!

Day 20 - 'Snuggle' - My dog Max is very cuddly and I always have him to snuggle with. He always comes up to me for cuddles and it melts my heart!


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