Thursday, December 22, 2016

December Reflections - Days 11 to 15

Day 11 - 'Biggest Lesson from 2016' - Study harder... Unfortunately I ended up having too many things going on at once and uni suffered in the end. I certainly don't regret anything I did, but I did put home life before uni, which did not benefit and I now know that I have to get out of the house to study, rather than all day at home.

Day 12 - 'Precious.' - The excitement my dogs get when they go for a walk, especially off leash!

Day 13 - 'Soundtrack of 2016.'

Anything Country! Thanks to Tamworth Country music festival!

Day 14 - 'Texture.' - I love eucalyptus bark and volunteering at Healesville Sanctuary this year just gave me the extra thrill of having this beautiful natural wonder around me more.

Day 15 - 'Best Decision of 2016' - Definitely volunteering again! I absolutely love it. Not only is the work and the heart of the job rewarding, but the knowledge I gain for my career is amazing, every place I volunteer at is different. 


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