Wednesday, December 21, 2016

December Reflections - Day 6 to 10, 2016

Day 6 - 'In the air'
I LOVE FIREWORKS! I just think that fireworks are so special and magnificent!

Day 7 - '5 things about me'

1. I adore all things nature
2. I love photography
3. I do singing lessons and love watching and performing in musical theatre
4. My favourite animal is the platypus
5. I love camping!

Day 8 - 'On the ground'

I love rain-forests. The forest floor is such a beautiful and unique ecosystem and life force. 

Day 9. 'Best Day of 2016'

This was incredibly hard to choose! But in early January, mum, step-dad and I took a trip to Portsea on the coast and I really enjoyed having a nice (hot) day out with my parents. We ate at a lovely hotel and walked along the pier and beach. It was bliss! (and I don't give a damn how my hair looks!)

Day 10 - 'I made this!'

Among other thing, I started making card for my little business 'Never Doubt Nature.'


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