Monday, December 5, 2016

December Reflections

I am doing a monthly challenge for the December of 2016 as I reflect back on not only the year, but my life. This month I plan to really knuckle down and look at the nitty gritty of who I am and who I want to be, so I am taking the advice of the amazing Susannah Conway and using this #Decemberreflections2016 list to achieve this!

I will be posting the reflections on my blog and some on my Instagram in the form of photos, art, writings, videos or other forms.

Here are the first few reflections and their stories:

Day 3 is 'Fave photo of 2016' and boy is this a tough one because I have a few... I live through the memories of photos, so I think I will do a separate post to sum up my favourite photo's because I can't choose!

So stay tuned and maybe take this month to reflect back on your year too!


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