Friday, July 25, 2014

Manipulating nature.

Does this look natural?
I often come across pictures showing manipulation of nature. So, I don't think that we should do a lot of things, but one of them in particular is manipulating nature. I suppose that this is a hard subject to talk about because it is only human nature to adjust, adapt and manipulate to our own liking. When it comes to the nitty gritty of nature though, I can't turn my head. For example a real part of nature is being manipulated constantly by us. Gardens.

So don't get me wrong. I have studied horticulture, I love a good garden, an indoor plant, a photo of a plant, a herb garden or a pot plant on the windowsill. What I don't like is a piece of art of a flower dipped in dye, flowers dipped in dye, leaves cut in a certain form to manipulate their growth, (bonsai not included) even planting non natives, especially with natives.

I just think that nature is beautiful as it is and we don't need to change it. Nature is beauty, so we need to appreciate what we already see!


Appreciating uni

As everyone is congregating for our first prac this morning, I can't help but to look around and wonder if they feel awkward. I honestly don't feel awkward right now, I'm too busy watching everyone wait for their friends, friends they probably would have just made within a year or two and act as though its been forever.
I suppose I have always liked been alone and I used to get embarrassed being the only one without friends,  but I'm at peace with it. I love doing my own thing and I have friends in other areas of my life. Plus I'm here to learn, not to socialise as they don't come together for me.
It's funny because I have to keep reminding myself why I'm here, here at university studying zoology and more importantly,  how I got here. It wasn't easy and I feel I need to appreciate it more.

Sometimes I allow myself to get dragged into the lives of others... no, more often than not actually. This is so sad to me, because no one is alike and I should push myself to take pride in what I have done everyday, but it is truly hard, especially after being depressed for so so long.

It has taken me a lonely Primary school, a bitchy/lethargic/topsy-turvy High-school, an angry, tiring, discovery year, a second chance/mistake at high school, a tearful/hard Certificate IV and a half-hearted Diploma to get me into uni - education-wise - but those years and experiences have taught me more than I ever would have learnt by taking another path.

Yes my path has been a long one (and still will be) but I think that this is the best way to live. I'm not missing anything and I'm experiencing uni, the way I was supposed to...

So to the Universe,

Thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing me here and helping me make peace with my past and have a bright future!


Friday, July 18, 2014


So my phone just gave me the reminder I set to do some blogging. When I wondered what I should write about, I knew straight away that it wasn't going to be a cheery subject...

This is the look I usually find myself having when I'm deep in thought.... which is often. So while reading this post, you can see what I look like.

People have really been getting to me lately. I am usually very good at shutting out those negative thoughts, but it isn't always possible as its pretty much the same as bottling thing up - I know hazardous right?

But I am a person of a different kind and I know that when I can't get something out of my head, then its usually supposed to be there.



noun, plural en·vies.
a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions,etc.

noun, plural jeal·ous·ies for 4.
jealous resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, etc., or against another's success or advantage itself.

Oh - you will forever be my frien-enemy.... So that is the verdict. I wouldn't say that I really resent people that have the things that I want, I am more likely to look at myself and feel, well, discontent... So there it is - a chance for you to see me at my worst. Yes I do get jealous and envious of others, however I really try not to let it get to me!

Hang in there with me :)


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wicked The Musical!

Heya readers,

I am so excited to write this post today as a huge passion of mine is the theatre. Wicked the musical is the best I have seen and I have been to the theatre quite a few times. I love the atmosphere, all of the work that goes into it, how special it all is, the acting, singing and dancing. It truly brings a story to life!


If you haven't heard of Wicked the musical, what is wrong with you? Ah well, I am here to teach! The musical is based on the book by Gregory Maguire - 'Wicked - The life and times of the wicked witch of the west' - sort of a prequel to the beloved film, 'The Wizard of Oz.

Check out the link: wicked the musical

The three times I have seen the musical (...yes I know, but not enough!) it has stared entertainment sweetheart Lucy Durack as Galinda, (she is gorgeous -
check her out: the Australian musical has also starred Jemma Rix as Elphaba Bert Newton as the wizard, Rob Mills and Steve Danielson as Fiyero, Maggie Kirkpatrick and Reg Livermore, Anthony Callea: and so many more fantastic actors/singers.

 I have been twice with my friend Lauren (left) and we are both big fans of the musical. Although he wasn't in the show this time, Lauren is a huge fan of Rob 'Millsy' Mills:
 The musical was at Melbourne's beautiful Regent Theatre and the streets surrounding the theatre were lighted in the green 'Wicked' theme. As you can see, I got my green on and painted my nails and dabbed on the green eyeliner!

 Before the show Lauren and I went to the elephant and wheelbarrow and listened to a country/rock singer and had a pub meal = absolute aussie bliss!
After the pub it got much fancier and I posed for some photos, reapplied my lipstick and squealed, jumping up and down inside, walking up the gorgeous stairs to take our seats. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for the show to start - literally!

'Wicked' really is wicked, amazing and wonderful. The story is so imaginative, thrilling and nostalgic with a twist. I don't know what I can say, but I would have to be one of the Musicals biggest fans! I really appreciate how a show comes together bringing the story to life. I love how the songs tell the story and the props and orchestra sets the perfect mood.

Happy theatregoing!


Thursday, July 3, 2014

What I love about:


- Warm gloves, beanies, jackets, boots. Out in the cold this is bliss, being able to rug up and wear such amazing apparel.

- Wearing my hair down! This sounds like a strange one, but I don't often wear my hair down because it gets in the way when I'm working, but in winter its more practical to keep my long hair down to keep me neck warm!

- Bed! In Winter it is completely excusable to use bed as an excuse to save on power to stay warm!

- Food, roasts, veggies, soups, wow my mouth is watering!

- camp-fires, indoor fires, heaters, mmmm, they not only warm me up, but the sound of the crackling wood = utter love!

From Hot chocolate, to Chai, to an Aussie Milo, I also want to try the American favourite - Cider and I did find a lavender hot chocolate I'll have to try! Now foaming at the mouth...

- RAIN! 

- Wind, yes I know I'm a weird one, but I love the sound of the branches cracking and wind howling, especially at night.....

- Fog and foggy breath, there is something sweet about breathing like a dragon while rubbing my hands together in the frost.

I love Winter! I do love all seasons, however Spring and Autumn mostly resemble Winter and the last week in Summer is hot where I live! The only thing I dislike about Winter is snow..... yes you read right. 

First of all I hate the stereotype behind snow. It is such an American Winter/Christmas theme. Here in Australia Winter is in June, July and August (shocking I know... - Pinterest and Facebook is quite annoying this time of year, filled with Summery images from the Northern Hemisphere) and an Australian Winter is very different from an American/Europe Winter. Here It really only snows in the mountains, not in the capital cities or heavy suburban areas. 

Secondly - sport. I am not a fan of Winter, snow sports, I just find them boring.

Third - I am just not keen on snow. it is my opinion and my experience. I don't hate snow, but I don't get the hype.

I am ready to really enjoy the midst of Winter now!

Happy cold times!


My spirituality

So I have never really spoken a lot about my spirituality - to anyone, but I feel that it is a huge part of me and I often do things and run into people who tell me that I am a 'spiritual being.' Now I know that there are so many of you out there who are completely against spirituality and lean towards atheism or religion. But spirituality doesn't have to invade on your scientific or religious beliefs - in fact a lot of spirituality can make up religion and is harmless in the name of atheism.

Anyway, I'm not here to discuss facts, but to tell you about my connection to spirituality (and yes, typing spirituality over and over is annoying!) I like to stay pretty open minded to religion and spirit, but I think that atheism, etc. is just being closed minded. For instance, you don't have to believe in a 'higher power' to have faith right? We have faith in ourselves, our families, our life, right?

So having established that I am not atheist, not exactly religious, but spiritual, what exactly am I? Well, I don't know...
For a while I tried to be a Buddhist, but there was something restrictive about it. so I am 'undecided' I suppose - technically.

Basically I take anything as it comes, I'll listen to peoples views and decide for myself whether or not to believe. I was told recently that beliefs are restrictive. The person who told me this has a point, but its pretty loud...

So a belief can be anything, as long as you are attached to it emotionally - basically the person I spoke to said that this is bad because you are not open minded and you will never learn anything about anyone or anything because you believe.

For example: Good vs. Evil. Most of us just flat out believe in good over evil. What defines each side isn't important, but the belief in good makes us stick to it, but what happens if circumstances changes, such as war. Would defending yourself, by killing someone be evil?

Now that could be the worst example ever, but it did get me thinking about my martial arts training.(I am a black tag in Karate) I undertook training because I wanted to learn self defence and stay true to the traditions of the art. I am not a black belt because I do not want to teach people who oppose the fact that now you know how to fight, you will look for danger. It honestly gets me very, very angry. I feel the heat rise in my gut. - This never happens if you know me!

So I am a very alert person. This sometimes shows me things that I would rather ignore.... a post for another time maybe, but I notice a lot in people. I get suspicious easily and I know a good, no exceptional person straight off the bat - which is rare, they aren't common... I guess that you could say that I am very good at reading people and I see this as spiritual because I am awake in that sense and that comes into clairvoyance, psychic etc. which I'd rather not chat about...

I could go on forever, but I might put some other little pieces in another post, eg, crystals, ghosts, afterlife, etc.

Do try and stay tuned to my YouTube channel though, because I have a lot planned! Also feel free to request any videos you would like me to post. I want to focus on life, raw parts and all. there is no taboo where I am concerned, but there is stupidity, so tread carefully.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014


I don't know about you, but when I feel guilty, I just want to run and keep running. Guilt has got to be one of the worst emotions I have experienced.

Tears and pain are all a part of guilt, but in the whole aspect of things, it has got to be the most useless emotions ever.

Feeling sad, stressed or happy can have benefits, but guilt - not so much. I know that half the things that I feel guilty about, don't mean anything, don't serve any purpose in real life.

I often feel guilty about disappointing others and this is such a horrible feeling that I can't understand why I feel it. I don't know why people make me feel this way, but I guess I am be very sensitive and even though I haven't done anything wrong, guilt gets to me.

Anyhow, as I have been told by many, I will keep telling myself the same thing I am going to tell you....

Never, ever let guilt get the best of you.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

animals, animals, animals!

Everyone who knows me, know that animals are my passion, yet I don't talk about them too much on here.... 

Growing up I used to play with spiders and help my dad feed his exotic parrots and other birds on our 2 acre farm. I would waddle around in my gumboots and just be fascinated by the world around me, it was very rare that you would find me inside even in the rain!
 The zoo was always my favourite place to go, closely followed by the aquarium, farms, the country and anywhere outdoors. I was never a thrill seeker, but I was always looking for animals, always outdoors.

 My dad has always been a great role model when it came to my passion for animals. My dad grew up loving this country as much as me, only he grew up in a time where he regularly spotted native wildlife everywhere he went, animals were so abundant, that its hard to believe, magpies and crows are probably the most common native animals we'll see these days. Dad also used to take me before dawn in the mornings when I was under 10 years old and drive the hour drive to a country region where the Toorongo river ran. Here we used to lye on the bank of the river and wait. This is one of the reasons why the platypus is my favourite animal. The awe that I treasure from these trips, was only the beginning of my enormous passion for Australia, Australian wildlife, Animal and the land, all of its elements and plants.

 I was always fascinated by the aquariums and river ecosystems, etc. I visited, because as I grew older I became scared of the ocean, I loved inland rivers and creeks, but to me the ocean become an amazing, but daunting, mythical place where I was happy to let secrets stay buried. I feel the same about outer space.

 Although my passion is Australian wildlife and I hope to end up working at Healesville Sanctuary Victoria one day, I have also worked at Melbourne Zoo, I volunteer at Werribee Open Range Zoo and Currumbin Sanctuary in Queensland. I love all animals great and small and I adore Australian animals, especially the platypus and Australian reptiles....
 I love domestic animals and livestock too, my dogs are my life, the time I spend with them are often the most precious moments I can remember and still are to this day, watching them play is utter bliss for me and playing with them, cuddling them and watching them in their day to day lives is just what life is about for me!
 I love cattle, horses, sheep and goats among other livestock, although I haven't had a chance to spend much time with them, I hope to one day.
Animals, animals, animals  - they'll always be my love and my passion, i am just excited to see where else they'll take me!

KK xoxo