Wednesday, December 28, 2016

December Reflections - Day 21 - 25

Day 21 - 'Solstice sunset' - There wasn't one in Australia as far as I know, but here is a beautiful sunset anyway!

Day 22 - 'This year was...' - affirming.

Day 23 - 'Sparkle' - I saw an amazing show this year with a cast that sparkled in their costumes and their voices!

Day 24 - 'Traditions' - In our house traditions are very simple. Presence before presents, the Christmas tree goes up on December first and we have fun and allow as much positivity during the festive season into our lives as possible.

Day 25 - 'Today is...' - Special and always will be.


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

December Reflections - days 16 to 20

Day 16 - 'A secret' - It wouldn't be a secret if I told you ...

Day 17 - 'Five Years Ago'  - I had was done with high school, starting uni, the property I grew up on was selling (pictured) and I was moving away for uni.

Day 18 - 'Reflection' - My crystal box. I love the way crystals reflect yourself, what you need and the light!

Day 19 - 'Something I love' - musical theatre! Whether performing or watching, I just adore the thrill, the work that goes into a show, the people, the props, the music, the story... I love it all!

Day 20 - 'Snuggle' - My dog Max is very cuddly and I always have him to snuggle with. He always comes up to me for cuddles and it melts my heart!


Thursday, December 22, 2016

December Reflections - Days 11 to 15

Day 11 - 'Biggest Lesson from 2016' - Study harder... Unfortunately I ended up having too many things going on at once and uni suffered in the end. I certainly don't regret anything I did, but I did put home life before uni, which did not benefit and I now know that I have to get out of the house to study, rather than all day at home.

Day 12 - 'Precious.' - The excitement my dogs get when they go for a walk, especially off leash!

Day 13 - 'Soundtrack of 2016.'

Anything Country! Thanks to Tamworth Country music festival!

Day 14 - 'Texture.' - I love eucalyptus bark and volunteering at Healesville Sanctuary this year just gave me the extra thrill of having this beautiful natural wonder around me more.

Day 15 - 'Best Decision of 2016' - Definitely volunteering again! I absolutely love it. Not only is the work and the heart of the job rewarding, but the knowledge I gain for my career is amazing, every place I volunteer at is different. 


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

December Reflections - Day 6 to 10, 2016

Day 6 - 'In the air'
I LOVE FIREWORKS! I just think that fireworks are so special and magnificent!

Day 7 - '5 things about me'

1. I adore all things nature
2. I love photography
3. I do singing lessons and love watching and performing in musical theatre
4. My favourite animal is the platypus
5. I love camping!

Day 8 - 'On the ground'

I love rain-forests. The forest floor is such a beautiful and unique ecosystem and life force. 

Day 9. 'Best Day of 2016'

This was incredibly hard to choose! But in early January, mum, step-dad and I took a trip to Portsea on the coast and I really enjoyed having a nice (hot) day out with my parents. We ate at a lovely hotel and walked along the pier and beach. It was bliss! (and I don't give a damn how my hair looks!)

Day 10 - 'I made this!'

Among other thing, I started making card for my little business 'Never Doubt Nature.'


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Do I impress you?

I think I have said before, 'I am only me when I'm alone...' Well I thought about that, and it can be a strange concept. I always am who I am. Yes, I often change to fit the environment and try to hide things that - for lack of a better word - I am 'embarrassed' by. I obviously don't speak every thought out aloud and I behave differently around different people, but to get to know my true self I often think about my little bubble. As the saying goes:

Do I impress you?
If the world was blind, how many people would you impress?

Would you impress yourself?

I am talking about how one really is, who one wants and believes themselves to be.

I have my up and down days - just like everyone else. I feel very insecure some days and others I feel more confident, (usually it is somewhere in between...) but I think that it is just good to know yourself in a way that no one else would - don't compare yourself to others and when that mindset does start to blind you, I, myself, try to remember why I do the things I do and how much, deep down, I really do care what others think.

So 'do I impress you?' Is actually a rhetorical question. I just want to impress myself.

Let that sink in,


Friday, December 16, 2016

December reflections day 1 to 5, 2016

Day 1 - 'On the table'

Day 2 - 'Light'

Day 3 - 'Fave Photo of 2016'

My 'Tamworth smile' is my favourite photo of 2016, because of the way I felt in this photo. I was having an amazing time at the Tamworth Country Music Festival in January this year. I was independent, feel good inside and out, was travelling with a great friend, it was Summer and Tamworth started my year off beautifully! I had to scrapbook this photo too!

Day 4 - 'Circles'

Just some circles of pure delight..

Day 5 - 'Best book of 2016'

I love the 'Red Queen' series and this year the second book - 'Glass sword' came out. I adore this book as it shows why the "bad guys" do the things they do and that the "good guys" aren't always right!

Looking back on 2016 fondly,


Monday, December 5, 2016

December Reflections

I am doing a monthly challenge for the December of 2016 as I reflect back on not only the year, but my life. This month I plan to really knuckle down and look at the nitty gritty of who I am and who I want to be, so I am taking the advice of the amazing Susannah Conway and using this #Decemberreflections2016 list to achieve this!

I will be posting the reflections on my blog and some on my Instagram in the form of photos, art, writings, videos or other forms.

Here are the first few reflections and their stories:

Day 3 is 'Fave photo of 2016' and boy is this a tough one because I have a few... I live through the memories of photos, so I think I will do a separate post to sum up my favourite photo's because I can't choose!

So stay tuned and maybe take this month to reflect back on your year too!