Saturday, December 1, 2012

Give us a break!

We all do things we think we don't. Sometimes we slip up, fall, stumble and make mistakes. We are hypocrites, liars, and manipulators - so what! I think that every now and then we need to give ourselves a break. The idea of a perfect person is just stupid!


Many of us have our moments - a slip of the tongue, foot in mouth, but a lot of people or organisations, tend to place unreasonable limits to everyday situations. The most hypocritical part of this is that often, the person or organisation in charge may be privy to making the same, if not similar mistakes that they shun others for.


I think that our society is much too strict. All it would take is to smell the roses and appreciate what we have already got. Placing impossible standards won't help anyone and personally I think that there is absolutely no need for it, but then again, I mean is that only human?


I try to overcome this by ignoring it and being thankful for the times I am treated nicely, with respect, or even just acknowledged. Just try to give yourself a break. If you find yourself making mistakes, feeling down, disappointing others, manipulating others, etc. Just remember the saying that my beautiful mum taught me: ‘Treat others how you’d want to be treated’ regardless of how they treat you!


If you have someone being cruel to you, stay strong, if there is one thing I have learnt from being stood over, it’s to never stand over anyone yourself, just step back and think twice.





Saturday, November 24, 2012

Just something to inspire!

An animal felt me up!

It’s amazing that we still need to reach out and tell some of those out there that animals are not like people. Animals don't have, and certainly don't need, morals, rules or ideals. There are very few exceptions to these, for instance when most animals mate, the choosing sex usually goes for the ideal opposite sex, but not always.


The reason I am babbling on about this again, is because I just saw a photo captioned: kangaroo feels up someone, the picture showing a kangaroo paw on a woman's jumper in the breast region. Right now I am pulling the most disgusting face just having to write this, but animals don't 'feel up’ other animals, (and yes, us humans are animals...) Yes, again, when mating, some animals tend to get – ‘for lack of a better term’ - sexist and bash each other around a little, but I think that we need to stop assuming that animals are like us in the mentioned ways.


What animals lack for in morals, they make up for in survival. Sometimes, and I really understand why, animals have to drop what a human would call ethics, to protect themselves. In the animal kingdom, (exceptions include humans.... even though all other animals must surely not be included in this kingdom for self-assured reasons.) the key to survival is always to protect oneself.


So next time a dog sniffs your rear, a cat plays with the bow on your blouse, your pet licks you on the mouth, an animal shoves their head into your crotch, a lizard crawls up your sleeve or a kangaroo reaches for your breasts - there is nothing sexual about it!


Okay, so on the other hand, when a dog/horse/another livestock humps you, isn't it usually encouraged? Now I'd be happy to go into the whole 'animal sex' craze discussion in another post - as unnatural and ridiculous as it is to me, I am happy to discuss and listen to opinions. Frankly, there are an infinite number of irky, exotic, downright weird things, we - humans, do, but this I’m happy to discuss. (And may I make it clear – NOT EXPLORE, TRY OR, UM DO... Just discuss.)


Because yes, I believe there are people out there who have sex with other species of animals, and I can say that’s fine, their own business, but I won’t because I don’t know enough about it and would research (in writing – not physically...) but I have much much more on my mind that I absolutely don’t consider ‘fine.’ But in this blog, I'm talking everyday animals and people here.


Anecdotally - I (though not often because I don't want you to think I'm an eccentric) let my animals crawl all over me, I am talking pythons here (duh!) Because it’s just like a tree or fallen log. If one happens to go up my sleeve, I let it; all it is doing is hiding, relaxing.


I sleep with and cuddle my dogs, I pin them to the ground and kiss their faces.


I snuggle up to my bird and kiss him.


And none of this is sexual at all, it’s nothing funny. People need to stop allowing these dirty thoughts to enter their mind. It goes without saying, but animals are different from us and they don't need to be seen as trying a little something.


Like us, animals are curious and that is usually as far as it goes, keep that in mind.



Thursday, November 1, 2012

Quality, not quantity

Quality time with my neice
It’s not about how much time we give someone we love, it’s about how much we give to that someone, in that time.


The way we talk to our animals.

As humans, we do a lot of funny things. We make up extra time for half the year and call it daylight savings, but not all of the states or territories do this. We film ourselves getting hurt and send the video in for thousands of people to see. And we talk to our animals like they care what we are saying! Now I'm not saying that any of these things are related, but we live in a world where we don't think twice about what we are doing and sometimes that’s okay!


I say some stupid things to my animals, I mean 'stupid' in a loving way and sometimes I know they are laughing at me, deep down. But part of the reason why I love animals so much is that they don't judge! In fact, these were the words I said to my mother when I decided I wanted to work with animals when I was very young - 'Animals don't judge.' No matter what we say or the way we talk to our animals, they don't mind!


When I say the way we talk to our animals, I guess I mean that everyone has their way of interacting. Whether we are telling our animals off, teaching them, feeding them, bathing them or just adoring them, we say things that sometimes we wouldn't want another person to hear. We tell our animals our secrets, we gossip, we more often than not - embarrass ourselves regrettably, in front of them and they still don't mind!


So the things I often say to my animals are not so much in the words, but in the affection. I love all of my animals and even those that aren't mine - to death! I love all animals equally and that is something I can absolutely say, because they are easy to love unconditionally for all of the reasons I have mentioned.


For all of my dogs, over all of the years, I have given each one a different ‘pet’ name, (pardon the pun...): My first friend, Jacko, I would affectionately call 'My Mate.' I would often say, 'How are you mate' while patting his side, as we sat and watched each other, squinting at the sun. Another dog, Jacko's son, Angus, I affectionately call 'My buddy,’ or ‘bud.' 'Saying how are you bud?' Meanwhile, he waits for an opportunity to lick my face. Another male dog I have, Max, I usually call 'Cutie' because he's not much of a mate or a buddy, but a pal I can snuggle up to and kiss and cuddle, without too much growling... Another male dog, Patch, we had many names for - including ‘Squiddy,’ ‘Squidga Wod??’ and ‘Batchy batch,’ but he was my ‘fella.’


With the female dogs, they have had more random names, not so much brotherhood terms, but most of them are nicknamed after inanimate objects or just plain old gibberish - mostly just because they react to it. One girl, Abbie, I often call ‘Biscuit’ - (From ‘Ab-isicuit...’) and she really seems to like that. I call Chloe, ‘Clo-boof,’ because dad got tongue tied one day, but I also call her ‘My Girl,’ because she was the first puppy I ever picked out. Jessie was known as ‘Jessie girl’ or ‘Agro.’ Another girl, Minnie, I called ‘Minnie-moo,’ which isn't so original, but I was young... Then I have Jenna, whom is famously known as ‘Jenny, enny, ren, yen,’ or ‘Icket.’ Mindy was famously ‘Stinker,’ ‘Michelangelo Alexander,’ ‘Mouse’ or ‘Mindy mouse...’ but I called her ‘Mousey.’


My cockatiel, Peatree, gets, ‘Tree-tritty-trit-bug,’ ‘Tritter,’ ‘Treeter,’ ‘Treeter pea,’ ‘Tritter pie,’ ‘Whip Bird’ and ‘Mr. Whippy’ or ‘Whip whip.’


But with the other animals, it’s not so much their names, but the way I talk to their character, that sets my ways in stone. My python Adam, I tell him how gorgeous he is, often ask very kindly, how he is, if he enjoyed his sleep and if I may move his water bowl, while he rears up at me. If he bites I say, ‘Ah well, okay then.’ I then throw my hands in the air and pretty much tell him I love him and check him, then leave. My other python, Phylis, (Which dad named after my nana...) I inform her of her beauty, her cuteness and I also ask if I may move her water bowl and if she approves of my scent.


Any other animals I have had, I usually just mimic, tell them how lovely they are and we sometimes share a joke or two. I have told the fish where another is hiding and sent the signal for the other to run. If an animal has hurt me or is in trouble I make sure they are okay, then tell them they have spirit or strength. Then I always thank them for the experience. Yes I might sound a little excessive, but they don't mind and they don't judge! Plus I bet I’m not the only one!


I love my animals so much and they constantly surprise me.


But all of my pets have usually listened to a beyond, affectionate, 'Hey You!'



Sunday, October 7, 2012

A word on colour!

If you have read my other posts, you may have come to realise that I am an individual and I hate being like everyone else. This may be a little harsh, but I find that colour - at least the colours we see on products every day, (clothes, stationary, etc.) is defying this. I don't suppose that it is defying me personally, but the colours that department stores manufacture products in are always the same!

Of course, fashion lives off colour. Fashion decides 'What’s hot and what’s not' and at least where colour is concerned, this is the part of fashion I hate; in fact I really don't follow fashion at all. I decide what I like and stick to it, but this isn't a fashion blog.


Don't get me wrong, I love colour. I am thankful everyday for the colours of nature, the blue sky, brown bark, grey clouds, green, purple, red, yellow flora, and pink sunrise/sunset. I am grateful for hair colour, paint colour, eye colour, scale, fur and feather colour and clothing colour, (regardless of what I just said, I still believe colour has a place in the clothes we wear.) I even love the blacks, whites and greys of life in shadows, book pages, Cd's, wool, - colour is amazing in all of its different hues.


So I guess that I am saying that colour has its place, colour should be an individual choice and we shouldn’t use the same colours as everyone else in the little things that make us unique.

As another note my favourite colours are earthy tones like browns, light pinks and greens as well as blues, black and reds!

With colour brings texture. With texture brings sharpness. Take a photo in colour and black and white and if you just focus on the colours and shades, you'll appreciate it all so so much more!


Enjoy your shades!


I was here - Lady Antebellum

here is one of my favourite songs! More posts soon, I promise!


Saturday, September 29, 2012

The butterfly.

From Miranda Kerr's book - Treasure yourself, she records an anonymous story about a little girl coming across a butterfly cocoon. The girl watched the butterfly emerge, until it stopped, seemingly unable to continue. The girl began to move the cocoon to help the butterfly along, but then she realised that nature had intended for the butterfly to struggle to make itself stronger and ready for life. - Trust me, Miranda's book is worth reading and my telling of this extract is by no means anything like the story, which is much better written. The point though, is that maybe we should let nature be natural and not interfere because nature helps itself to survive.

I don't know if I am religious, but I do believe in nature.

Should we fight nature for nature? I was flicking through the movies in our catalogue and of course I stopped at every animal related one. I was surprised to find two movies that were just that - fighting nature for nature. Let me explain this by describing each movie.

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen.


Big Miracle.

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen is about introducing trout into the Yemen river - which naturally doesn't have trout in it... In order to allow people to fly fish for sport and food. Now I haven't seen this movie, so I can in no way judge it because it could be a great story, I just know how I feel about the realistic idea of introducing a non native animal into another, perhaps equally efficient habitat. Now, the movie description does say 'to prove the impossible, possible' so it really is not so much about the trout, but the act of doing something seemingly useless and for lack of a better word -impossible. I am not surprised by this concept at all because it seems that the story is, like others, unrelated to nature as a prospect, but related to people being recognised for beating nature for their own benefit. Yes, I am probably reading too much into this, and again I stress that I have no valid opinion without seeing this.

Plus I do really like the actors in this film, so it is possible that I will see it, but for now I remain a little opinionated about the storyline.

Big Miracle seems similar in that humans are helping nature from nature by helping a group of whales break out of isolated ice. It stars Drew Barrymore who is another actress I love, but the mention of Greenpeace and the fact that its based on a true story get me a little iffy. If it is based on a true story, it means it's been done or attempted - ouch and Greenpeace, well I am not a fan - I fine them too over the top. Too excessive, plus I hate protesting and this is all they seem to do...

Again, I would see this film if encouraged, but I'm not sure of the concepts....

If I was too blunt in this post, let me know...


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

But, but, but...

Everyday when I am trying to be grateful for everything, I find myself saying but, to a positive. For example: Thank you universe for getting me to the shops safely and easily, but, I did take a wrong turn or two.

'But' is a bad word. It may as well be a swear word when it comes to taking the positive out of things. When I find myself saying or thinking about the 'buts' of life, I have to stop and think, No I am not being grateful enough if I have a backup 'but.'

When I was little I thought that there must be a catch to the three wishes a genie grants Aladin. Yes I knew that one could not bring someone back from the dead or wish for true love... but what if there was another catch?

I really like the idea, that wishing and wanting must have its limits. After all, we can't go through life just getting everything we want without a catch. We wouldn't learn anything that way. So I always wondered why making a wish didn't have more catches to it. I don't know how I came up with this, but I used to always think that to make an honest and grateful wish, we should be forbidden to say the words 'but' or 'and.' I doubt that this is absolute, but, we say these two words too much and I just think that we should be happy with what we have got, without adding something for nothing.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Here is a little Taylor Swift to liven an otherwise depressing topic!

A word on bullying.

So I know that bullying has always been a big can of worms. It effects everyone and doesn't necessarily leave when you leave school. The sad thing is that a lot of people can't handle it, letting themselves become consumed by it, trapped. Its hard for me to talk about it because I have not only been bullied, I have also bullied. I have bullied mildly, but I don't think that makes it any better. We also bully to protect others, but can we blame ourselves? Our society is based around bullying and for lack of a better word - cults. We have bullied each other into creating wars, laws, road rage, education, rights and many others everyday actions. I think its just hypocracy to blame the bully or group of bullies. Even in the animal kingdom, animals bully each other for food and mating rights.

Don't get me wrong. I am in no way saying that bullying is right. But can we say that is is also very wrong when it is an act of nature?

Anyway, in our world, bullying is out of hand and something does need to be done. i think the point though, is to work together to prevent bullying, no blaming anyone else. Its not only bullying in this world that we need to work together on though.


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Just a little busy, but checking in...

So I know I promise often to blog often and I should be more concerned with writing a post than telling you I need to write a post!

Here I am though and trust me, my lack of writing is not for lack of things to write about. I can't stand the aspect of writers block, because I don't know about everyone else, but I NEVER  stop thinking! This is perhaps one of the few years in my life where I am flat out busy month to month with even more stuff on my mind!

The latest news in my biggest passion - animals! Is that I have been accepted to volunteer at RSPCA Victoria... (Again.) And as I participated in orientation, I remembered how much I had missed those beautiful faces smiling back at me.

I have just done my first shift at RSPCA and after trying to remember what to do, I absolutely loved it. Not that I have ever cared about the smell or the hard work before, but I just found time went so quickly because I was having fun!

If you don't know what the RSPCA does, it stands for the ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. The goal is basically to protect all animal great and small from animal welfare issues. For a little smile, here is a link to their most famous advertisement:


A little hopeful enthusiasm.

So I start most days off the same, with a deep breath, knowing, just knowing that things will get better, I just have to put in the hard yards. I like the way I think, but somethimes it does get over whelming and I have to stop and take a minute to prevent myself from exploding!

My stories and nature, the things I can accomplish through nature are what keeps me going. If I didn't have a creative project to look forward to finishing, I would be very depressed. So when times get tough and I can't work life out. I sit down, forget everything, put on some music and type my heart out.

Sometimes emerging myself in another story just makes me realise how easy my own is. I recommend reading a good book, blog, facebook status or even writing something yourself to keep an open mind and view another aspect of life.


To like or not to like?

Of course there are always going to be people in life that we're not going to like, that is of course, unless you're a peace-making, save the children, we're all equal, cup of love... um person. But, maybe these people have a point.Maybe we should just forget our grudges, ignore the mouthy and appreciate life the way it is...

Just thinking and writing.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Working on by...

I just want to say how lucky I am at this point in time. I have all of my family and although I don't have many friends, I am happy, happy with myself and the person I am today. Hopefully one day I will achieve the things I've been working on, but until then, I'm happy being me.

Working on by,


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A little story about the sand pit at Clyden.

When I was very young, probably just out of the toddler years, I got the surprise out of every kid's dreams... a sandpit! And what a sandpit it was, for many years after recieving this fantastic present, I spent many a day in the school's yellow grained pits, digging, building and sifting. It was something that made up a lot of my childhood.

My little sandpit at home was from a simple design of a border of wood with a heap of sand dumped in the middle, hence 'the sandpit.' But as simple as it was, it was one of my joys as a child. I think I have always been very sentimental and the sand pit just proves this theory. One day I dug the deepest hole I could, (I even reached dirt, fascinated with the apparent concept that I may dig to China) that I assume now, wasn't so deep after all and I placed in it, a few treasures. These treasures were merely sea animal shaped plastic moulds in blue, red and yellow. But to me they were nothing less than treasure and I buried them, hoping they'd be there forever.

For plenty of years I would go back and dig up the pieces, making sure they were still there and when my parent's split up, these treasures became even more special. Digging the shapes up every second weekend I went to visit my dad becaome a ritual, knowing everything was okay.

I wonder if my parents knew what I was really doing when they would wave to me from the house...

One day when I happily went back to check up on my treasure, I sat down to dig happily, to find my gems.... gone.

I was shocked and upset, but I put it all down to the possibility that I had been looking in the wrong spot in the pit. I also noticed that the sand had shifted, the pit was mostly dirt. With dirt under my nails, I spent every spare moment digging everywhere for the treasures, until I was called away.

Weekend after weekend I went back to check every spare millimetre of the pit, but there was nothing. There were a few rough times envolving house ownership during this peiod, so I went to Clyden less and less frequently.

Now I know why civilisation is so abundant. In my sandpit I could get humungously creative building cities and cities until I couldn't any more. But when the centre of my city was gone, the world seemed to crumble down.

What treasure is holding our world together?


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Nostalgia is yet to come..

It's only one more month until the home I grew up gets passed on into quite unwanted hands. No I haven't started my scrapbook yet... but I am taking hundreds of photos. I think that when it happens, I will be much sader than I am at the moment. It's all just one of those times when you just have to believe that life goes on. I know I'll reclaim my childhood one day though!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

As promised!

The Smiling dog among the daises is my oldest friend, Jacko. unfortunately he passed away just before my 16th birthday. He was the same age as me, excellent lifetime for a jack russel. The guinea pig is Casper. The dogs playing are Abbie and Chloe, (the current ratbags. the rooster is Fowler... which Lordle () somehow pronounces as'Flowler!'The colourful critter with the blade of grass is Ellie the cheeky caique, (pronounced cake) and the little bird in the tree, that's willie, he's been there for generations!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Part of why I'll mis Clyden so much is because of the many animals I have grown up with there. A few of them are even buried there. It seems like a childhood memory, but even today I feel a connection to what I once had. (Even after the renovations.)Here are some pics of my friends who have grown with me at Clyden.

The first two photos are of the current residents, Angus in the first photo. Abbie is the tan and white and Chloe is the black and white in the second picture. Angus also re-appears in this pic!

You will have to bare with me on more photos, I'll get there!


Generation anxiety

If I were a teenager in the twenties, I'd have glitz and glamour.
If I were a teenager in the forties, I'd have something to fight for.
If I were in the fifties, I'd have dancing shoes.
In the sixties I'd have grease and racism to defend.
In the seventies I'd have flowers and peace.
In the eighties I'd have fluro and shoulder pads.
If I were a teenager in the nineties, I'd have had baggy pants and walkmans.
But I've been a teenager in the noughties (??) and I can't think of one thing we own...

Oh wait,

Heres to a generation of tech-heads, suicides and disrespect,

Not proud.
P.s "The noughties?" seriously? Why?


Thursday, February 16, 2012

More of Clyden

My home, Clyden, I still get to see most days, even though I really live 20 minutes away. Being there makes me feel different now though. A few years back we did have some renovations, so now it doesn't feel wholly like home, but it still is in a way. In case you didn't get the hints. My parents are split up and I live with my mum. My dad has always lived at Clyden, So thats why I go there so often.

Because of the renovations - which were quite major- I don't think I'll miss the place too much, but that may change...


Wednesday, February 15, 2012


For the next few posts I think I'll post about the house I grew up in. Clyden. It is a passion of mine after all! Especially since I have been told that it will be demolished after August this year. Its in my heart and I hope that you'll see how special something so simple can mean to someone.

So Clyden is very special to me and basically my dad is selling it due to outside sources and new housing estates and roads coming in. At the moment he doesn't have to sell the 2 acre property, but its on the books for the next few years. I just hope that he sells it privately and not to a developer who will slaughter it...

The cover picture of kkspassion is of dusk at Clyden.


The wonders nature brings

I was just absolutely amazed by a pair of red bellied black snakes I just saw mating on my nightly walk. Mum and I left a little later than usual, at dusk and I really don't know why we don't more often. Two amazing sights of nature just made my day. first off I saw a Southern Brown bandicoot, which I know are native to my area. Second I saw the two amazing... venomous... snakes...mating! GOLD! I really love my natives, especially mammals and reptiles. This all means something!

Its fantastic because in a world where nature is diminishing, its just a breath of fresh air to see three native animals who have really been there all along. It really makes me stop what I'm doing with my everyday fog and remember how much I truly do love nature and why I do write about it. Sometimes it takes a small encounter to really get the full picture and remember what you used to believe. And now I am back into that mindset, thanks to Mother Nature! I can't stop using the exclaimation marks because this is the most excitement I've had all year! I vow to write more and more now about nature and the wonders it beholds!!!!!!


Friday, February 10, 2012

day by day

We go though life on a day to day feeling. We dream, we look forward and we celebrate, but when it all comes down to it, everyday is just another day in our own lives. You can't do something absolutely amazing every single day. But hey, that's life and that's the way life is meant to be.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Global w-- what?

Everyone who knows me, knows that I appreciate nature in every way. Here in the Southern hemisphere it is supposed to be Summer. I don't know if its a Victorian thing too, but we really have been having freezing cold weather! I really hope I'm not the only one to see that whenever the temperature rises really high for a couple of days, a storm brews??


But then it gets freezing cold/windy or just bad for more than a few days. I somehow don't think it's glabal warming, but moreso, global cooling...


Take the new year as you wish

It's a fine line between love and hate for this time of year. Everyone is on edge while trying to have fun at the same time before they once again, begin their everyday lives. Going back to work is something that everyone tends to find scary and I assume this is because they don't want to continue with the bore of their lives.

But what I don't get is, why does everyone seem to start the year off in the same state of mind?

Home life is particulary difficult this time of year. I know that in my family, everyone like to come home and take their problems out on other family members in the comfort of their own home. There is just very little respect for each other and the best I can do is keep out of everyone's way...

There is also a lot of pressure for me to get a job, it's certainly not like I haven't been trying or want to get out there and earn money, but it simply isn't that easy...

On the positive side, I am determind to write, rescue and recover this year! I love this time of year because you can start over in a way. Its a chance for many of us to shake our heads and put a new positive twist on life. Although many of us don't take this chance...