Sunday, August 12, 2012

A word on bullying.

So I know that bullying has always been a big can of worms. It effects everyone and doesn't necessarily leave when you leave school. The sad thing is that a lot of people can't handle it, letting themselves become consumed by it, trapped. Its hard for me to talk about it because I have not only been bullied, I have also bullied. I have bullied mildly, but I don't think that makes it any better. We also bully to protect others, but can we blame ourselves? Our society is based around bullying and for lack of a better word - cults. We have bullied each other into creating wars, laws, road rage, education, rights and many others everyday actions. I think its just hypocracy to blame the bully or group of bullies. Even in the animal kingdom, animals bully each other for food and mating rights.

Don't get me wrong. I am in no way saying that bullying is right. But can we say that is is also very wrong when it is an act of nature?

Anyway, in our world, bullying is out of hand and something does need to be done. i think the point though, is to work together to prevent bullying, no blaming anyone else. Its not only bullying in this world that we need to work together on though.


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