Tuesday, August 14, 2012

But, but, but...

Everyday when I am trying to be grateful for everything, I find myself saying but, to a positive. For example: Thank you universe for getting me to the shops safely and easily, but, I did take a wrong turn or two.

'But' is a bad word. It may as well be a swear word when it comes to taking the positive out of things. When I find myself saying or thinking about the 'buts' of life, I have to stop and think, No I am not being grateful enough if I have a backup 'but.'

When I was little I thought that there must be a catch to the three wishes a genie grants Aladin. Yes I knew that one could not bring someone back from the dead or wish for true love... but what if there was another catch?

I really like the idea, that wishing and wanting must have its limits. After all, we can't go through life just getting everything we want without a catch. We wouldn't learn anything that way. So I always wondered why making a wish didn't have more catches to it. I don't know how I came up with this, but I used to always think that to make an honest and grateful wish, we should be forbidden to say the words 'but' or 'and.' I doubt that this is absolute, but, we say these two words too much and I just think that we should be happy with what we have got, without adding something for nothing.


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