Saturday, August 11, 2012

Just a little busy, but checking in...

So I know I promise often to blog often and I should be more concerned with writing a post than telling you I need to write a post!

Here I am though and trust me, my lack of writing is not for lack of things to write about. I can't stand the aspect of writers block, because I don't know about everyone else, but I NEVER  stop thinking! This is perhaps one of the few years in my life where I am flat out busy month to month with even more stuff on my mind!

The latest news in my biggest passion - animals! Is that I have been accepted to volunteer at RSPCA Victoria... (Again.) And as I participated in orientation, I remembered how much I had missed those beautiful faces smiling back at me.

I have just done my first shift at RSPCA and after trying to remember what to do, I absolutely loved it. Not that I have ever cared about the smell or the hard work before, but I just found time went so quickly because I was having fun!

If you don't know what the RSPCA does, it stands for the ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. The goal is basically to protect all animal great and small from animal welfare issues. For a little smile, here is a link to their most famous advertisement:


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