Saturday, August 11, 2012

A little hopeful enthusiasm.

So I start most days off the same, with a deep breath, knowing, just knowing that things will get better, I just have to put in the hard yards. I like the way I think, but somethimes it does get over whelming and I have to stop and take a minute to prevent myself from exploding!

My stories and nature, the things I can accomplish through nature are what keeps me going. If I didn't have a creative project to look forward to finishing, I would be very depressed. So when times get tough and I can't work life out. I sit down, forget everything, put on some music and type my heart out.

Sometimes emerging myself in another story just makes me realise how easy my own is. I recommend reading a good book, blog, facebook status or even writing something yourself to keep an open mind and view another aspect of life.


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