Friday, December 18, 2015

Pleasing everybody... at Christmas

Now, I'm not talking presents or food requirements, things that people want, no. I am talking about the selfish act that happens every year, the act of seeing the family.

Who's hosting this year?

Who's not coming so we can bitch about them?

Where are we having it this year?

Does it have to be Christmas day or can it be the weekend before?

Well I have to see other members of the family so I am seeing them separately to you....

Shall I go on? This is really ridiculous, I mean isn't Christmas about family, friends and giving? Well this isn't really giving. I would rather a loving family base than a thousand presents. All that really needs to be given is time. I wish everyone just stopped with the drama and did that.

Just a little rant....


Monday, November 30, 2015

Gift giving, letters and thank you notes

 I love me some gratitude and I love displaying how much I love people, even though it isn't always clear.  My gift board on Pinterest shows the way I like to represent my love and gratitude.

I think that at least 30% of my time (a random number I know) I am thinking about something I can give, something I can do for someone unconditionally ... and thats not including Christmas or Birthdays!

I just love to give!

I think it really shows who you are and how special and heartless you are if you're the kind of person who likes to write letters, do a deed that makes someones day, give a gift for no reason, smile......

On the other hand I just love writing to people so I can get something back in the mail! Like in the old days - well I did do it as a kid - so not that long ago, but writing a letter, sending it and getting one back is just such an amazing sentiment!

I just wanted to give a little love for my passion towards the little things,


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday Ten: Top ten pets!

So I have decided it is pet week and I am going to base my weekday posts around these gorgeous light to our lives!

  1. Dogs/cats - equal first! I grew up with dogs, I have always been a dog person and I probably would still pick a dog over a cat, (if it was a life or death situation...) but how funny are cats? I mean that just gives them a total top tier ranking regardless - just ask youtube!
  2. Birds - I grew up with aviaries full of birds, I love the avian industry so I will always recommend certain birds for certain household, but I don't like the idea of (most) birds around cats... unless both trained to be around each other from birth. And yes, exotic birds are cool, but your canaries, budgies and cockatiels are just as sweet and easy to train. Birds are very delicate and can die of fright, but they can also outlive you (especially parrots) so tread carefully, but if you want a pet, you must care somewhat, so meh...
  3. Hermit crabs - I know these guys are a little different, but god they are adorable! And so super easy to look after! 
  4. Fish - especially fighting fish! Ask your local pet shop for help on what fish to put with what, water temperatures and all the necessities, but be careful! Fishkeeping can become an expensive pastime, no matter how cheap it seems to begin with! 
  5. Reptiles... in general - I want to be a reptile vet, so of course i am going to mention them as pets. For your average household, I would recommend a turtle, large skink (blue tongue lizard) or water dragon.... Go for your pythons if you are serious and dedicated!
  6. Ferrets - another animal that requires a lot of care and time and money. They are basically slinky puppies. Ferrets can be funny around other animals too, so do your research.
  7. Frogs - delicate and sometimes loud, some also require a licence, but who doesn't love frogs and their enclosures with the trickle of water?!
  8. stick insects - Great for young families, stick and leaf insects are way too easy to look after and the buggers are a lot stronger than they look. They are not delicate. The do breed like rabbits though and are fantastic escape artists, so be aware!
  9. Rabbits and guinea pigs - do I need to say much? These guys are just adorable and they can be pretty hardy. Just for the love of animals do not keep them in a metal hutch in the sun. They will die...
  10. Axolotyl - If you don't know what these guys are, look them up, it'll be fun.
Enjoy your pets, they love you and depend on you, and they will bite if you stuff up.


Disclosure: this list is in no particular order regardless of what writer has written.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Motivation Monday: Being around pets!

I certainly needed some Monday Motivation today! Nothing in my life is going wrong as such, but I have been feeling very sad, due to personal reasons. I know what to do when I have lulls like this. These 'lulls' are often times in my life that I really need, to be kicked and shoved a little, to turn around, get up and achieve something great.... and you know what really helps with this? MY PETS!

I mean look at them! Animals in general clearly light up my life (they are a passion of mine after-all!) and having these guys around me 24/7 gives me hope and they just know, that when I'm down, I need cuddles, so what do they do? Leap into my lap!

 I have had a lot of pets in my lifetime of (almost) 24 years and although they all have their individual personalities, they are all just full of love!

I have had a hard time trusting and believing in people lately - especially where 'true' love, and partnership all comes together to form this generation's idea of 'love.' I could crap on for ages about that topic, and in a way it is relevant to this blog as I am passionate about love through my stories, so I'd like to ramble on about another kind of love...

Friendship - animal friendship in this case. (Yes there are multiple 'types' of other friendships...) Friendship between an animal and a human has to be one of the most beautiful things in life.

 I have had such close bonds with all of my animals and I love them all 100% equally. They really are my pals. What do friends do?

  • Comfort me when I'm down
  • Kiss me when I need to be loved
  • Glare at me when I've done the wrong thing
  • Always willing to hang out (play)
  • Always up for a roadtrip
  • Listen!
  • Motivate me!
These guys are true blue friends for sure, not many humans go to that much trouble. Animal loyalty (and sometimes arrogance in the cat's case...) is just beautiful, a true testament to who they are and the classic saying of 'treat others how you want to be treated,' and in my animals case that's, with love, happiness and entertaining goofy-ness!

And they seem to love each other just as much! They know that when I am grumpy (yes I do get grumpy...) that if they muck around, play bite me, go off gallivanting with each other (the dogs in particular) talk to me, etc. - I can't help, but smile!
 These guys are just always so happy, busy or just satisfied with life. This really motivates me to be content with my own life too, so my pets are a huge deal of motivation monday - that start of the week drawl - they'll be there!

Always smiling while their eyes are shining!


Saturday, November 14, 2015


I was just listening to a  'conversation ' for lack of a better word in the room. It consisted of each person getting really excited about something and telling the other, as you do when you have news, but each person sat blankly, waiting for the other to finish before bursting into their news... What??

Why does this happen more often than not?

I really wish we would listen more without the intention of talking about ourselves


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wealthy Wednesday: Shim Bu Kai/Shotokan Karate

Today's wealthy wednesday post (Define-your-wealth) is all about my practise in the martial art : karate. I see wealth in the way I feel while doing karate, as I not only have a wealth of knowledge and experience by undertaking karate, but I feel free everytime I practise, I feel capable and to me that is wealth.

I believe I have briefly mentioned my karate before. But I would just like to tell you all how much it means to me and maybe get you inspired to undertake a martial art or self defence.

The Dojo 
I have been training properly in Shim Bu Kai Karate since I was roughly 12 years old and I grew up mucking around with my sensei (4th dan father, yes actual parent...) my dad always taught me self respect and self defence. I always admire his constant ethics when it comes to karate.

I NEVER took to sport, I tried so hard to play and I always did my best at school in sport. I loved the concept of it, but my body couldn't/can't handle it, for reasons I still haven't discussed on my blog, so I turned to what I could do - karate. But I didn't just fall into karate either, dad did push me to the point where I would cry sometimes because my body just wouldn't cooperate. My dad didn't really understand, so he told me to toughen up and, well I did. I was always proactive, so if I set myself to do something I would (and still do.)

Side kick, strike with the side of the foot.
I am now a Shodan (1st Dan black belt) and I teach others what I learn. But it has clearly been a long journey and I never brag about my abilities in karate. That is not the traditional karate way.

Everyone.... And I mean EVERYONE is accepted  in our dojo. My dad has many injuries, including a knee reconstruction and arthritis and I have my own ailments. Other students and teachers alike have imbalances and bad limbs, but there is always self defence to be taught. I take a lot of pride in teaching children who may have autism, special needs, concentration issues and any other, perhaps hard to understand personalities - I hate describing anyone like this as we are all human, but I am trying to be clear and concise.

Anyway I might leave this post here as I am getting very passionate and I do not want to babble on. Below are some moves and bits and pieces that one learns, very quickly in karate and once you start, you realize how empowering but serene this form of exercise can be.

Always bow before starting anything with an opponent.

Middle Strike, first two knuckles forward, thumb ALWAYS on the outside. Aim where the knot on your belt is or your opponents diaphragm.

Middle block and strike,
often practised in classes
 against other students.

A self defence move in which one opponent grabs the wrists of the attacker and uses pressure points to get out of a situation. Size and strength does not matter here.

Middle kick and block,
also very common in general training.
Note the stances. Straight back,
arms by the side for balance,
level head and proper footing.

Chest grab, when an opponent grabs you from the front,
there are several ways to escape and throw your opponent off.

Don't be intimidated, I was by my own father and I persevered, if I can do it ANYONE can!
stay strong, KK

Monday, October 26, 2015

Motivation Monday: Sing!

I haven't spoken about my singing journey,

  1. Because it is very new to me, I have only been singing regularly for 3 years (which is nothing in learning to sing)
  2. Because this is one area in my life where I honestly do not think I am good enough to say that I am a singer....
  3. Because I will not sing in front of you if you ask, I will be stubborn and only sing like a screaming idiot because I am too ashamed to sing properly just in case I stuff up a little...
So I have the most amazing singing coach! My 'teach' as I call her, is lead singer of super talented, The mac project and I am always in awe of her and the band on where she posts videos of her gigs, etc. However, you wouldn't know by looking at these sites, the gorgeous personality behind my teach, who makes me feel totally comfortable (an almost impossible feat) during my weekly sessions with her. We go through ways of getting the body to respond to singing, warm ups and actual singing, eeeek!!! 

So my motivation monday is all about singing, because hey don't we all do it? Don't we all love music of some kind? Music is just in our souls. 

I actually never seriously thought about singing until I went to Uni away from my family and got a little independant, some kids go clubbing, I started singing lessons..... (true story.) I haven't studied singing at uni, just to clarify. It was my hobby, while I did full-time Zoology a two hour drive from my home town. I lived just off campus and went to my lessons at night with a company farther in town at minuetmusicstudios where I did learn a lot, but i went through a few teachers and they slowly became less and less what I needed. Then life happened and I ended up back at home. 

I surprised my mum for Christmas that year by telling her that I was learning to sing. This classically trained woman's jaw just dropped (partly because there was something I hadn't told her "I was keeping secrets now... oooooh....." and partly because I am a shy little flower who would never sing out loud...ever...)

Then my singing drifted off a little because I couldn't find the right coach, (a little like therapy...), I got pretty shy and (ironically) I mentioned to my therapist (yes I did/do therapy) that I missed singing and in a separate session that I "just love theatre, I, grew up watching musicals on video and live theatre that I just...." "Oh I like country music too..." Looking back my therapist probably just shook her head and sighed, but she told me to find a theatre company and JOIN, do goddam theatre... apparently you can... who knew??

So little ol' proactive me, found a company that night and it just so happened that auditions for their upcoming show were... next week. "Go for it!" mum said. I was somewhere between horrified and ecstatic, I was auditioning for a bloody musical, with next to no experience....

But I was loud, (I have no clue what happened there) and this happened... a-beautiful-theatrical-beginning, yes I was cast and in a main (ish) role at that.... boy have I come a log way since then. Some of my best friends are in the company and I cannot believe how lucky I am to know them..... I really want to go off on a tangent here, but that would be... uh off point.

Anyway, I somehow made a decision after the show that I really wanted to pursue musical theatre and country music, I mean I wasn't a baby ( I had written lyrics and muffled a tune to them since i could write and I believed in my songwriting too, but it did seem a bit farfetched, seeing as I was pursuing a career in animal health...) but I did always want to sing and be an actress/songwriter/director, I just assumed I couldn't... I know, doesn't sound like me right?

Whoa, this is deep s**t and I should probably go to sleep since it is 2:17 am, oops,

Sing for you, sing for your soul, even if it isn't through music, sing your song through your passion,


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Annie Jnr.

Right now I am sitting in bed with the flu, but I feel like I deserve a good rest because I have just been through another (probably 6 months) of rehearsals and show week! Yes I completed my Second Musical Production with BATS Theater Company!

The three Boylan sisters and Sandy
My love of Annie the musical started with my childhood hours of watching the 1982 film Annie. Then there was the day I'll never forget on my 9th birthday. Mum took me out of school, (yes I got a day off school without protest...whoa!) and I had no clue what we were doing. It's the little things that have always gotten me excited. But it turned out that, mum, my neighbor, her mother and I were going to see ANNIE, IN THE CITY, AT A THEATRE! Wow! (Yes kids, in those days, I lived in the country and the city was a far off magical place!.... Yes Adults, that was only 14 years ago...) I won't crap on too much about this very special day, but it is a big memory for me because I knew that this was the beginning of my love for theater. Little 9 year old me, knew that every light, every person, every instrument, every prop had a purpose and there was just too much to take in!

So getting back to the production I was in ANNIE JNR. Yes, I know I keep repeating myself, but I am in awe of not only the role I played, but the whole experience of being in a musical production, amateur or not is just such a big deal for me! I played Annette the maid ('Silk, no the satin sheets I think') Yes I had a line! But the role I was originally cast in and auditioned for was a Boylan sister! (Omg, my dream.) Which I performed with all my might.

So like my last post from my last show I will now give a review as I am such an expert... not..

'It's a hard knock life!'
The show began with the beautiful, scruffy, young orphans. The extremely talented actress playing Molly began the show with her crying from a nightmare about her parents. When Annie comforted her, the hopeful song of 'Maybe' began and the cast in this scene performed beautifully every single show. Some of the cast were in their first show and who could tell? Such a talented bunch. The orphans Molly, Pepper, Tessie, Kate, July and Duffy started to drift off to sleep when they were woken by Annie trying to sneak out of the orphanage. When the scheming Pepper got up and pushed her right into the arms of Miss Hannigan! - and let me just add... WOW!

'Heya Aggie.' 'Oh Bundles Get outta' here with that laundry!'
Miss Hannigan was the epitome of Miss Hannigan from the 1982 'Annie' film. She was the lipstick, the pearls and the curls of the disgruntled, house mother of an orphanage full of little BRAT's! As Miss Hannigan dealt with Annie and got all of the orphans out of bed, she swayed around stage, a blur of children racing around complaining of a 'hard knock life.'

Then along came Mr. Bundles to woo Miss Hannigan and distract her while Annie became a stowaway in Bundles' laundry cart. Mr. Bundles was the mellow, flirt, happy to chat to anyone and everyone - on and off stage!

On the street, Annie wandered off as Mr. Bundles discreetly let her go into the street where she found her true friend - Sandy.

Annie and Sandy
So Sandy stuck with the talented, feisty, Annie as she was captured by the policeman and taken back to the dreaded orphanage....

However, here is where things took a turn for the... better!

As a proud, 'graceful' secretary-type woman strolled into the orphanage and took a addressed Miss Hannigan (who'd been swooning and uh, dribbling, lipstick stain and all, over the soulful sound of the radio. Grace as her name preceded her to be, asked Miss Hanigan for an orphan, for Oliver Warbucks, the mill... uh billionaire to look after in his home. Cheeky Annie was of course on top of this...

Annie was picked and out of the orphanage again, but in the meantime...

 "Rooster!" cried miss Hannigan as her brother entered, his cocky attitude matching his moustache and sleazy manner. Miss Hannigan's surprise quickly turned to disgust when she remembered her brothers way of always needing a penny or two... Then along came Lily.

A 'broad' from New Jersey... She accompanied Rooster with a perfect harmony of high and low notes in 'Easy street' along with Miss Hannigan. Three actors couldn't have done it better as they marched and whirled across Miss Hannigan's office. Lily may have stolen a few pearls as they did so and Miss Hannigan was left in a daze as Rooster and his girl strolled off to scam some new innocent after just leaving jail....
From back left: Butlers, Cecil, Mrs. Greer, Annette, Drake and Mrs. Pugh
Front: Grace and Annie
Grace, another talented actress had a lovely voice and demeanor as she introduced the mansion staff to Annie - full of awe and amazement in the presence of not only people wanting to please her, but the wondrous mansion.
'Good afternoon sir'

'We think you're gonna like it here.'
After being introduced to the multi-talented mansion staff, Oliver Warbucks made his presence on stage. The actor was absolutely incredible and I am not just saying that, Warbucks was full of talent, could hold the audience captive and project to everyone while still keeping the strict demeanor of his character. 

Mr. Warbucks, a busy man soon ascended back into his work, shortly after meeting Annie. The Mansion servants went back to cleaning as Annie looked around in awe. Grace made the suggestion that they welcome Annie properly...

Mr. Warbucks and Grace decided to treat Annie to the sights of 'NYC,' leading Annie through the hustle of downtown New York City, the mansion and the rest of Annie's journey, always caring, always by her side.

'What's that? you're coming to dinner?'
It didn't take long for Warbucks to make the decision to adopt Annie, so off Grace went to speak with Miss Hannigan.

But to everyone's surprise, when grace arrived back, with a present for Warbucks to give to Annie, Annie didn't want to be adopted. She wanted to find her parents.

Mr. Warbucks attempted all he could to hunt Annie's parents down and even called in favours with a radio show and the President!

Bert Healy of the radio Oxydent hour presented Annie and Mr. Warbucks' dilemma to the world in his own wacky, boisterous way, a great actor with the ability to continue smiling... even when Warbucks' spoke the 'actions' on the script.... clearly not an actor fit for radio.... The lovely, darling, magnificent.... cough*... Boylan sister's looked on, in uh... boredom and sung 'You're never fully dressed without a smile' with Bert very professionally, because well, these girls are professionals, thank-you. But in all seriousness, this scene combined the radio crew with their 'doo, doo, doo, doos' as backup and clearly knew what they were doing, handling papers and expensive equipment all while acting professionally for their radio show.

So Annie had put the word out there to find her parents with great help from Warbucks whom she was getting attached to...

Meanwhile, back at the orphanage, the orphans were still driving Miss. Hannigan crazy, singing along to the Oxydent hour on the radio, mimicking the Boylan sisters, Molly and Tessie Portraying Bert Healy. It was a sight of fun and laughter, happy for Annie and the orphans just having a genuinely good time, until Miss. Hannigan blew her whistle.

She collapsed in her chair as the orphans ran off laughing and took a swig of her drink as Mr. Mudge entered, Mrs. Mudge in tow, disturbing, well I wouldn't call it peace... Miss Hannigan ignored them, distracted. Then they claimed they were Annie's parents. She told them that was impossible. That Annie's parents died in a fire years ago. Then Rooster revealed himself as well as Lily to be the con artists behind the best scam ever to trick Warbucks', get the money they 'deserve' and make their way down 'easy street!'

So the plan was in motion and the memo was sent to Mr. Warbuck's that Annie's parents had been found! Everyone was happy.

Then Grace did some research....

Before Christmas, Mr, Warbucks asked Annie to invite the orphans to the mansion for a little party. "Miss Hannigan too?" Exclaimed Annie. "Of course!" said Warbucks, growing oh so much more attached to the little girl.

Then came the song: 'You won't be an orphan for long.'

Warbucks sung this with such strength and his usual business-like facade faded from a spotlight to darkness as the dismal house staff came onstage, decorating the Christmas tree in a ballet sequence of sadness.

As the maids went to cleaning, Warbucks, Grace and President Roosevelt, along with a policeman entered, informing Annie, on the scam that is Miss Hannigan, Rooster and Lily...

 Then as the orphans and Miss Hannigan came to the mansion in their finery, the place was filled with joy. Orphans leaped at the tree and opened presents, with help from the maids. Miss Hannigan took in the sights of the mansion and wandered around as the Mudge's came in to claim their 'daughter.'

 Before they could, Warbucks presented them with a cheque stating 'the jig is up!' and as everyone flew into a panic, the police came to arrest the Hannigan's and Lily.

Miss Hannigan plading with Annie
So the 'crooks' were stopped and the household rejoiced, Warbucks told Annie he was going to adopt her and everyone sang 'The sun'll come out tomorrow' as Sandy the dog came onstage, sending the crowd into 'awwws.'

The End!

My second experience with this show was amazing and I really enjoyed every moment of it. I made some great friends and everyone was really lovely.

The backstage crew were amazing and the BATS staff too, Thank you also to the Director and everyone who was there for rehearsals, etc.

I wish I could thank you all personally and to everyone in the audience also.
I also met my new best friend Michelle during this show and I'd love to thank her for being my pal, we have already done so much together and have so much planned for the future!


Michelle and I

The girls backstage

*Disclaimer: Names and photos will not be printed due to unauthorised permission or absence of permission and general privacy. The photo's displayed have been from Mark Symonds photography(c) and have been authorised by cast and parents of those under 18 years of age.