Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday Ten: Top ten pets!

So I have decided it is pet week and I am going to base my weekday posts around these gorgeous light to our lives!

  1. Dogs/cats - equal first! I grew up with dogs, I have always been a dog person and I probably would still pick a dog over a cat, (if it was a life or death situation...) but how funny are cats? I mean that just gives them a total top tier ranking regardless - just ask youtube!
  2. Birds - I grew up with aviaries full of birds, I love the avian industry so I will always recommend certain birds for certain household, but I don't like the idea of (most) birds around cats... unless both trained to be around each other from birth. And yes, exotic birds are cool, but your canaries, budgies and cockatiels are just as sweet and easy to train. Birds are very delicate and can die of fright, but they can also outlive you (especially parrots) so tread carefully, but if you want a pet, you must care somewhat, so meh...
  3. Hermit crabs - I know these guys are a little different, but god they are adorable! And so super easy to look after! 
  4. Fish - especially fighting fish! Ask your local pet shop for help on what fish to put with what, water temperatures and all the necessities, but be careful! Fishkeeping can become an expensive pastime, no matter how cheap it seems to begin with! 
  5. Reptiles... in general - I want to be a reptile vet, so of course i am going to mention them as pets. For your average household, I would recommend a turtle, large skink (blue tongue lizard) or water dragon.... Go for your pythons if you are serious and dedicated!
  6. Ferrets - another animal that requires a lot of care and time and money. They are basically slinky puppies. Ferrets can be funny around other animals too, so do your research.
  7. Frogs - delicate and sometimes loud, some also require a licence, but who doesn't love frogs and their enclosures with the trickle of water?!
  8. stick insects - Great for young families, stick and leaf insects are way too easy to look after and the buggers are a lot stronger than they look. They are not delicate. The do breed like rabbits though and are fantastic escape artists, so be aware!
  9. Rabbits and guinea pigs - do I need to say much? These guys are just adorable and they can be pretty hardy. Just for the love of animals do not keep them in a metal hutch in the sun. They will die...
  10. Axolotyl - If you don't know what these guys are, look them up, it'll be fun.
Enjoy your pets, they love you and depend on you, and they will bite if you stuff up.


Disclosure: this list is in no particular order regardless of what writer has written.

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