Monday, November 16, 2015

Motivation Monday: Being around pets!

I certainly needed some Monday Motivation today! Nothing in my life is going wrong as such, but I have been feeling very sad, due to personal reasons. I know what to do when I have lulls like this. These 'lulls' are often times in my life that I really need, to be kicked and shoved a little, to turn around, get up and achieve something great.... and you know what really helps with this? MY PETS!

I mean look at them! Animals in general clearly light up my life (they are a passion of mine after-all!) and having these guys around me 24/7 gives me hope and they just know, that when I'm down, I need cuddles, so what do they do? Leap into my lap!

 I have had a lot of pets in my lifetime of (almost) 24 years and although they all have their individual personalities, they are all just full of love!

I have had a hard time trusting and believing in people lately - especially where 'true' love, and partnership all comes together to form this generation's idea of 'love.' I could crap on for ages about that topic, and in a way it is relevant to this blog as I am passionate about love through my stories, so I'd like to ramble on about another kind of love...

Friendship - animal friendship in this case. (Yes there are multiple 'types' of other friendships...) Friendship between an animal and a human has to be one of the most beautiful things in life.

 I have had such close bonds with all of my animals and I love them all 100% equally. They really are my pals. What do friends do?

  • Comfort me when I'm down
  • Kiss me when I need to be loved
  • Glare at me when I've done the wrong thing
  • Always willing to hang out (play)
  • Always up for a roadtrip
  • Listen!
  • Motivate me!
These guys are true blue friends for sure, not many humans go to that much trouble. Animal loyalty (and sometimes arrogance in the cat's case...) is just beautiful, a true testament to who they are and the classic saying of 'treat others how you want to be treated,' and in my animals case that's, with love, happiness and entertaining goofy-ness!

And they seem to love each other just as much! They know that when I am grumpy (yes I do get grumpy...) that if they muck around, play bite me, go off gallivanting with each other (the dogs in particular) talk to me, etc. - I can't help, but smile!
 These guys are just always so happy, busy or just satisfied with life. This really motivates me to be content with my own life too, so my pets are a huge deal of motivation monday - that start of the week drawl - they'll be there!

Always smiling while their eyes are shining!


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