Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Don't tell me how to write!

One of the hardest things about being at uni, is that I have to write in the forms that university expects me to, well that's fine. But when it comes to a creative piece that I am being marked on, I think I do pretty well considering. My grammar and spelling in general is pretty good, and I am not going to be modest about it. I don't care how long my sentences are, or if my sentences make sense, that is a different story. I have been shunned by one of my lecturers on how I write my part in a class blog and if you can't tell already - its bloody ticked me off!

I am a writer (duh) and there is no rule on how one writes in the personal writing world. If you run, you are a runner, if you sleep you are a friggen sleeper, gees. I should be able to write how I want, I don't care about the grammar, I care about the content and it just irks me when people get all caught up on presentation and professionalism, rather than the actual work that's been put into a piece.

I'm sure it has been proven that some of the smartest people in the world can't spell! I know that some PHD students can't. Look, all I am saying is - appreciate the passion! We should focus on who an individual is and how much effort they put in, (Where their work is concerned...) rather than the nitty gritty - (I'm going to write it) - SHIT!

The main irk about the whole issue, to me, is that I never said I wouldn't go back and fix the nitty, gritty, shitty - quit focusing on that and read what was meant to be read. We don't criticise strokes on a painting before the painter has finished!

From someone who hasn't published my stories yet, I'd like to say, give me a chance to perfect them - to my needs - before you have a crack. When I'm published - then by all means, shoot!


Monday, May 13, 2013

Some pet peeves of mine...

So I can't finish a conversation without saying goodbye. It is one of my pet peeves when someone just logs off of facebook in the middle of a conversation or when someone is trying to avoid someone else and just walks off. It all comes down to etiquette, but I just think its rude not to finish a convo on good terms. I mean I don't care if your tired or upset, I think we should always be polite regardless of mood or interest in the party.

Now I don't always follow etiquette. It is actually another one of my pet peeves. I mean why should people have to apply to certain rules and have certain manners. Yes, please and thank you is good, but crossing your legs a certain way and using the right fork for a salad is just... wrong. If you know me, you know that there are some things I can't do due to a physical disability, however general (not even strict) etiquette rules prevent me from being a proper young lady. Things like using a straw in certain cups or drinks - um I have no choice in that sometimes and don't get me started on the proper way to eat, carrying food and drink, sipping, wine tasting, etc.

All I am saying is that although society could do with a few rules, it could also benefit from restricting a few rules, that when put down to it, discriminate some people.

Rant over,


Friday, May 10, 2013

Can you really say that your life is hard?

As I promised in one of my previous posts, I would like to tell you what I think about those that suffer more than the average person. If you had a look at my links in the previous post, you will understand who I mean.

But its not about the 'who.' We shouldn't point them out because we don't know how bad anyone's life really is. Even if you dug through a persons every aspect - you still wouldn't know what they were thinking, would you?

Can you really, honestly, truthfully say that your own life is hard compared to others? Don't compare yourself to others. I know that this is easier said than done, but life really isn't that hard if you don't believe it is. Instead of comparing yourself to others, look up to others and don't be jealous.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Complicated family stuffs

I, like many others, have a complicated family. When we gather, I think that I am the only one that notices the tension. It is an extremely hard thing to do, come together - especially when you can see the obvious splits, fights and distances.

Breaking up is a part of life and I don't know many family's today that don't have some members that have split. It is just much accepted these days. One side of my family is old fashioned and the other is very modern and its strange when we come together because my parents broke up, long ago. I sure am the only one who sees the subtle pang of anger between my parents when they come together. I was oddly always okay with my parents divorce. It was the remarrying for my mother that bothered me for a while because I then became a part of another family - which these days does not feel extended at all. Eventually these things feel normal. But when certain people in my family come together, I can't help but to feel awkward. It must be that I am sensitive to peoples emotions, but I am bombarded with guilt and anger when I don't have to feel this way.

I still love my family though,