Tuesday, August 14, 2012

But, but, but...

Everyday when I am trying to be grateful for everything, I find myself saying but, to a positive. For example: Thank you universe for getting me to the shops safely and easily, but, I did take a wrong turn or two.

'But' is a bad word. It may as well be a swear word when it comes to taking the positive out of things. When I find myself saying or thinking about the 'buts' of life, I have to stop and think, No I am not being grateful enough if I have a backup 'but.'

When I was little I thought that there must be a catch to the three wishes a genie grants Aladin. Yes I knew that one could not bring someone back from the dead or wish for true love... but what if there was another catch?

I really like the idea, that wishing and wanting must have its limits. After all, we can't go through life just getting everything we want without a catch. We wouldn't learn anything that way. So I always wondered why making a wish didn't have more catches to it. I don't know how I came up with this, but I used to always think that to make an honest and grateful wish, we should be forbidden to say the words 'but' or 'and.' I doubt that this is absolute, but, we say these two words too much and I just think that we should be happy with what we have got, without adding something for nothing.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Here is a little Taylor Swift to liven an otherwise depressing topic!


A word on bullying.

So I know that bullying has always been a big can of worms. It effects everyone and doesn't necessarily leave when you leave school. The sad thing is that a lot of people can't handle it, letting themselves become consumed by it, trapped. Its hard for me to talk about it because I have not only been bullied, I have also bullied. I have bullied mildly, but I don't think that makes it any better. We also bully to protect others, but can we blame ourselves? Our society is based around bullying and for lack of a better word - cults. We have bullied each other into creating wars, laws, road rage, education, rights and many others everyday actions. I think its just hypocracy to blame the bully or group of bullies. Even in the animal kingdom, animals bully each other for food and mating rights.

Don't get me wrong. I am in no way saying that bullying is right. But can we say that is is also very wrong when it is an act of nature?

Anyway, in our world, bullying is out of hand and something does need to be done. i think the point though, is to work together to prevent bullying, no blaming anyone else. Its not only bullying in this world that we need to work together on though.



Saturday, August 11, 2012

Just a little busy, but checking in...

So I know I promise often to blog often and I should be more concerned with writing a post than telling you I need to write a post!

Here I am though and trust me, my lack of writing is not for lack of things to write about. I can't stand the aspect of writers block, because I don't know about everyone else, but I NEVER  stop thinking! This is perhaps one of the few years in my life where I am flat out busy month to month with even more stuff on my mind!

The latest news in my biggest passion - animals! Is that I have been accepted to volunteer at RSPCA Victoria... (Again.) And as I participated in orientation, I remembered how much I had missed those beautiful faces smiling back at me.

I have just done my first shift at RSPCA and after trying to remember what to do, I absolutely loved it. Not that I have ever cared about the smell or the hard work before, but I just found time went so quickly because I was having fun!

If you don't know what the RSPCA does, it stands for the ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. The goal is basically to protect all animal great and small from animal welfare issues. For a little smile, here is a link to their most famous advertisement:



A little hopeful enthusiasm.

So I start most days off the same, with a deep breath, knowing, just knowing that things will get better, I just have to put in the hard yards. I like the way I think, but somethimes it does get over whelming and I have to stop and take a minute to prevent myself from exploding!

My stories and nature, the things I can accomplish through nature are what keeps me going. If I didn't have a creative project to look forward to finishing, I would be very depressed. So when times get tough and I can't work life out. I sit down, forget everything, put on some music and type my heart out.

Sometimes emerging myself in another story just makes me realise how easy my own is. I recommend reading a good book, blog, facebook status or even writing something yourself to keep an open mind and view another aspect of life.


To like or not to like?

Of course there are always going to be people in life that we're not going to like, that is of course, unless you're a peace-making, save the children, we're all equal, cup of love... um person. But, maybe these people have a point.Maybe we should just forget our grudges, ignore the mouthy and appreciate life the way it is...

Just thinking and writing.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Working on by...

I just want to say how lucky I am at this point in time. I have all of my family and although I don't have many friends, I am happy, happy with myself and the person I am today. Hopefully one day I will achieve the things I've been working on, but until then, I'm happy being me.

Working on by,