Saturday, October 1, 2016

Hey..... What's your sign?

You can tell so much about a person by their star sign. I know it sounds overused and just plain corny, but there are not many people I have met who are somewhat true to their star sign!

I don't go by everything that star signs say and I do know a lot of people who don't care for them, but I also study science, I am logical and I still believe - belief is a post for another time.

As shown above, I have found that these good qualities are true for the people I know. I'm a Pisces and without sounding like I am trying to hard - I am 99% true to my sign - just about anything you read about the qualities of a Pisces is me in a nutshell, the good and the bad. And no, I'm am not a fish...

I know a lot of Aquarians who are definitely honest, they can be blunt about it, but they mean well and I always listen, eventually.

Every Taurus I know has a complex personality, although their main trait is stubbornness (which is rarely a bad thing in their case,) the complexities of why they are stubborn would surprise most of us, so they tend to understand the harder stuff.

Sagittarius will definitely defy the rules to make things better...

I know a lot of the other signs well and they are also quite true to this strength portrayal. All I am saying is to take a closer look at what makes a person - it doesn't necessarily have to be star sign related, but they are just a little peek into what makes a person...

Just demonstrating my Piscean nature...


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