Sunday, October 16, 2016

A note on microaggressions - think of them like mosquito bites...

As explained in the video above, micro-aggression's are dismissals, insults, or similar 'aggression' directed at anyone - particularly in a racial sense, women, those of different abilities, religions and other marginalised social groups - such as disabilities and lower income earners. However, I think this theory applies to a lot more these days - a lot of things can be seen as offensive to the person receiving the comment.

Comments like:

"You get around well!" To someone in a wheelchair
"You don't look like you're in pain..." To someone with an 'invisible illness'
"I never notice you struggling..." To someone with a disability, eating disorder, etc.

- Are all little comments that we can put up with in moderation - besides, most of the time the people saying these comments mean well, but I think it is important for us all to understand that - like the video says - these comments can be like mozzie bites - one or two are fine, but constant bites, (comments) can get irritating quick!

It can be hard to see if a comment will effect someone, but keep it in mind,


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