Monday, October 3, 2016

Don't forget to remember series - respect your elders

There are so many times when we forget to remember the important things, so since this is something I think about a lot, I thought I'd do a little series of posts on the important things to remember, everyday if we can!

So, always respect your elders!

I have always found this so important. And to be utterly truthful, even if the person older than me seems downright dumb.... I am still able to respect that they have lived longer than me - therefore I don't know what they've been through in their life, I never could!

Obviously, this isn't the sole reason for the 'need' to respect your elders.Whether older than a month, a year or a few more years, it really doesn't matter - they deserve respect.

To respect your elders, it is vital to understand respect.
According to - respect is more complex than it [should be] seems.




a particular, detail, or point (usually preceded by in):
to differ in some respect.
relation or reference:
inquiries with respect to a route.
esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability:
I have great respect for her judgement.
deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgement:
respect for a suspect's right to counsel; to show respect for the flag;respect for the elderly.
the condition of being esteemed or honoured:
to be held in respect.

I think definitions 4 and 5 apply best here, (and not just because the example is 'respect for the elderly...) I hate going into the specifics of definitions, but I show them to be clear. Honour your elders, acknowledge your elders and know everyone has a right to be respected.

By respect I don't just mean, look up to someone, trust them, adore them, bow for them, (although you can if you feel that is right...) but I mean respect their opinions, what they have been through and what they are doing. Everyone deserves your respect - but I think I need to point out respect for elders as just being kind and knowing that no one has an excuse, but everyone has an experience. 

Those that are older than us have done so much for who we are today, they went to war, came up with the recipes we eat today, gave birth to your ancestors, etc. - what's not to respect?

Don't forget to remember, your elders might just have gone through things you are or will be going through...


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