Sunday, April 10, 2016

New year, new word.

Looking at the year ahead...
So in true 'New Years Resolution Style' I am getting around to doing the post I wanted to do in early Jan... in April, but better late than never!

If I talk in the present tense and look back at the start of the year - wow, my year has sucked so far! I mean it has definitely had its good parts, but overall, it was been a pretty ratty year for me. My mind has been all over the place... bleh.

But I have been thinking about the time I am using ( I would never say that I have wasted the time) and its been pretty hectic, so I have actually accomplished so much this year already, yet no where near what I thought I would have done..

Anyway, enough babbling. Here is the post I have wanted to write:

A fresh start - Unravelling the year ahead. 

This is my second year of doing this workbook of picking a word to live by for the year and it has really motivated me to get things done, this is the website: and there is a lot of info on how to get started, but I have chosen for my word this year to be: SELF. 

Last year my word was Explore and boy did I do that! - I will post a review of all of that at some point...

But I really wanted to focus on Self this year because I am always doing things for others - so far I have failed dramatically at being self - aware, self - confident or any other self- related thing I was aiming for, because I think that a lot of things just fell in a heap and it has been hard to focus on me and easier to do things for others.

Is it okay for me to start fresh now? Well screw it, I'm going to, because every day is just another day and every minute is just a minute, we have to treasure them, but that doesn't mean we can't start fresh whenever we want!


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