Sunday, April 24, 2016

Feeling crap? 'I feel better when I'm Dancin!'

Meghan Trainor you have nailed it again!
I mean thanks to the Peanuts movie we can all re-live our childhoods and put this song on repeat, daily, every hour of the day!

I have been feeling very down lately and this song as been going nonstop, I have my pal Michelle to thank and my other mates Sarah and Andrew for making me feel better - and yes, this usually does involve dancing!

I have just finished a production of Earth Boy and the Mutant Ballerina's (post to come soon) and I met these three through the BATS theatre company. I just want to say that I am so grateful for this, because we have been a tight group since and I think it will stay that way!

Treasure your friends, your family and yourself, and remember if any of that gets out of whack - dance a little because no one is watching.... they're all on their phones!


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