Monday, February 22, 2016

Back to Nature

Oh wow, where have I been? I'm not referring to my geographic location, I'm referring to my head - the head that has been stagnant of ideas and words for a while now, but I have cleared the gunk and hopefully I am on the write (yeah sorry) track again....

Passion - what does that really mean? Well this blog is dedicated to my passion/s and lately I haven't been too passionate, so rather than make promises about posting so much more. I know that going out and literally 'doing' the things that bring out the passion in me. Then I will be more inclined to write about it!

I'm just so sick of living life in a blur and day to day in my house cooped up, in my car waiting or at work wondering! There is so much more to me and my life, so I'm going to share it!

Don't lose sight of your passion,


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